Public services play a crucial role in shaping citizens’ experience of society. This handbook is aimed at professionals working in public services and focuses on concrete pratices to strengthen trust and democracy in everyday service encounters. It helps to make public services more effective by initiating and maintain trust, enhancing participation and agency, and through them delivering better learning, better safety, and better welfare.
Case Study Library
Where innovations are collected and shared to disseminate and replicate good ideas

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Laakso Hospital trialled the state-of-the-art care robot Välkky, which utilises NASA space technology. The results were promising so the robot will get more trials and the technologies will be developed further. The hospital staff and patients were really interested in the robot and its versatile possibilities.
Work 2.0 Lab is a new collaborative working and learning environment. It is available to all agencies and civil servants in government and other organisations involved in the 2-years experiment. The purpose is to promote better, higher quality ideas, solutions and decisions on cross-cutting matters outlined for example in the government program. Work 2.0 Lab provides the structures and platforms (environments, spaces, networks, methods) for collaborative learning needed to work together.
The Government of Finland has launched an “Experimentation Accelerator” as a network-based self-organising platform for innovative public servants to develop cross-sectoral solutions through co-creation, mutual learning and sparring from inspiring innovation champions. This year there are 17 teams involved in the process consisting of 4 co-working sessions, with experiments ranging from Lean Start-up, deepened service thinking in and across the participating organisations to AI and strategic…