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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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In 2022, INDECOPI identified that 23 universities and 10 professional associations were imposing +700 bureaucratic barriers, affecting the employment insertion of +36 thousand new professionals. Given this, the Voluntary Elimination of Bureaucratic Barriers Programme was implemented to open regulated professional services at the subnational level. Based on behavioral tools, INDECOPI engaged with universities and professional associations to eliminate 786 bureaucratic barriers in 17 regions.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), a component of the United States’ Federal Government, has fully reimagined its website to make applying for disaster assistance faster than ever. This change will reduce time burdens for survivors post-disaster, when they are in greatest need and the most overwhelmed. This effort has been built on decades of feedback from disaster survivors and is expected to reduce the registration time by more than 15%.
Thematic Innovation Clinic was implemented to encourage and increase number and quality of innovations in Pontianak City. This program succeeded in increasing the number of innovations within the Pontianak City Government to 165 innovations in 2022, and to 196 innovations in 2023. With a design thinking approach, the innovation clinic increases the number of innovations, fosters the spirit and culture of innovation, and cross-party collaboration to deliver optimal public services to community.
A savings Program that is designed to encourage savings and financial literacy amongst Saudi children and providing financial inclusion for Young Saudi population (>18) from an early age and encouraging them to save and achieve their goals by providing attractive incentives and rewards and leveraging fintech best practices while applying behavioural economics.
In line with the Sustainable Development Goals 1 and to promote rational purchasing behaviour for welfare of consumers, the Government has developed a price monitoring and control application called “Mopri” with the aims to provide a single interactive platform for comparing retail prices of essential commodities across different outlets, to report any complaints on real time basis and provide information on regulated prices and policies.
The organization has first piloted and then fully implemented a school educational program on consumer protection, "Young Consumers. The basic rights". The program aims at a proactive approach and early building of awareness on sustainable consumption and consumer rights, include those rights' ecosystem of protection and the milieu within which they are exercised. This innovation reaches out to its target-group and capitalizes on the benefits of physical presence as well as the students' own…
INDECOPI receives over 363 complaints a day. In terms of bureaucratic barriers, last year, 71% of the complaints were incomplete or inaccurate. To address this, we introduced new templates guided by behavioural insights. These templates simplify the process for complainants and change how we request further data from complainants to get us better information and improve the public service by eliminating bureaucratic barriers.
Karolinska University Hospital is piloting a new model for nurse-led innovation. The model consists of a framework for enabling nursing organisations to work with innovation and a nurse-led innovation hub concept, where nurses can collaborate with the industry to co-develop solutions for healthcare. Through this, the hospital puts nurses in the driving seat of innovation in healthcare to both develop better solutions for healthcare and promote a sustainable work life for frontline staff.
In New Zealand, a new unit in the Ministry for the Environment / Manatū Mō Te Taiao was set up. This new unit was a deliberate decision to focus on behavioural science, systems thinking, design thinking and human system-dynamics to help the organisation, designing for the systems we focus on. It is innovative because it is bringing this type of thinking together in a single team, embedding this in a policy organisation, using the multidisciplinary skills.
UAsk, born from the need for seamless access to government services in the UAE, is an AI-powered chatbot transforming citizen engagement. Serving residents, businesses, and visitors, it leverages generative AI, particularly ChatGPT, for real-time, multilingual, and reliable information. Its innovation lies in delivering an inclusive, user-centric, and efficient digital experience, revolutionizing interactions with diverse government services within the digital governance realm.