General Information
Project description
More than 480 000 people in Ile de France use an inefficient woodheating device releasing high quantities of particulate matters in the environment but do not always link air pollution and woodheating.
This project aimed to inform the inhabitants about this link and encourage them to renew their ancient devices and adopt good practices around woodheating.
281 households were equiped with particulate matter sensors and the DITP compared the evolution of contamination between groups, divided in three groups whom they sent:
- General info on risks associated with particulate matters in indoor air
- personnalized messages with graphic representation of the contamination of the two last weeks
As a result, the proportion of households linking woodheating and air pollution increased, and a change in behaviours was observed in the group receiving personalized feedback.
Detailed information
Final report: Is there a final report presenting the results and conclusions of this project?
Final report
Pre-analysis plan: Is there a pre-analysis plan associated with this registration?
. Providing information about the impact of woodheating on indoor air contamination will have an effect on the indoor air quality and on the perceptions about the link between both
. Personalized feedback on indoor air quality will yield the highest impact on indoor air quality and perceptions
How hypothesis was tested
Three groups of households, one receiving personalized information, one receiving general information, one receiving no information. Information was sent through leaflets every two weeks. Participants were matched according to their indoor air baseline contamination and smoking habits.
Dependent variables
. Average level of PM 2.5 (and its evolution throughout the experiment)
. Average weekly level of PM 2.5
. Perception of impact of PM 2.5 on health and on outdoor air contamination
Cf report
Sample Size. How many observations will be collected or what will determine sample size?
281 households were observed during 10 weeks.
Data Exclusion
. If participants knew other participants in the sample.
Who is behind the project?
Project status:
What is the project about?
Date published:
24 June 2021