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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

How to validate authenticity

Validation that this is an official OECD website can be found on the Innovative Government page of the corporate OECD website.

Work Area

Building innovative capacity in Latvia

About INNOVATIVE CAPACITY IN LATVIA Public sector innovation can strengthen trust between citizens and public institutions. It helps governments to stay ahead of the curve, better address complex challenges and can position the public sector as an attractive employer. About the project With the technical support of DG Reform of the European Commission, this project aimed to equip and empower the public service of Latvia to leverage impactful and effective public sector innovation. Working…
Work Area

OECD Gov2Gov Innovation Incubator

Experience has shown that public sector innovation challenges often transcend borders. By the same coin, many innovative solutions can be adapted and applied across different contexts. The OECD Gov2Gov Innovation Incubator brings teams together to foster global collaboration and drive collective progress. About the OECD Gov2Gov Innovation Incubator The OECD Government-to-Government (Gov2Gov) Innovation Incubator promotes cross-border collaboration among governments with similar innovation…
Work Area

Emerging tech for civic participation

About emerging tech for civic participation Emerging technologies are creating new opportunities and challenges for civic participation, calling for the exploration and experimentation of innovative ways for governments to address people’s needs and expectations. About the project Portugal, Spain and the Netherlands are promoting “Improving civic participation through emerging technologies”, a project funded by the European Commission under the Technical Support Instrument (23PT04). Since…
Work Area

OECD Mission Community of Practice

Governments require future-oriented innovations in order to respond to complex challenges, such as climate change, aging societies and digital transformation, in real time. Anticipatory innovation is the act of creating and implementing new, value-shifting innovations in environments of deep uncertainty, particularly for the purposes of exploration and shaping future priorities.
Work Area

Anticipatory Innovation

Governments require future-oriented innovations in order to respond to complex challenges, such as climate change, aging societies and digital transformation, in real time. Anticipatory innovation is the act of creating and implementing new, value-shifting innovations in environments of deep uncertainty, particularly for the purposes of exploration and shaping future priorities.
Work Area

Cross-Border Government Innovation

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown how the interconnectedness of countries may have made the world more vulnerable to common threats, and has exposed weaknesses in international co-operation. Major challenges are not limited by jurisdictional borders, and demand collective action.
Work Area

Behavioural Insights

At OPSI, we support the use of Behavioural Insights from policy design to implementation and evaluation. We have an empirical approach that includes research on context-specific behavioural drivers and barriers, systematically challenging our assumptions and rigorously testing interventions before scaling.
Work Area

Innovative Capacity

OPSI undertakes country studies and action-oriented work in order to help governments better understand how to strengthen their innovative capacity to meet national and global goals.
Work Area

Innovation Trends

OPSI and the UAE MBRCGI has conducted extensive research, held global Call for Innovations crowdsourcing exercises, and met with innovative teams from around the world to surface key trends, examples and stories. Through this work, OPSI and the MBRCGI have found that governments are testing and implementing exciting and innovative new approaches, transforming the ways in which they operate and serve their people.