General Information
Project description
In Germany there are significant gaps in measles vaccination which lead to repeated outbreaks of the disease. Vaccinations do more than just protect the recipient against infection. They also protect people who cannot be vaccinated, for example infants or people with certain chronic illnesses. However, many adults do not know that they are not completely vaccinated against measles. In order to close this information and vaccination gap, wirksam regieren compared various possible ways to provide patients with information amongst which postal letters from health insurance company and direct discussion with GPs. Brief, direct, target-group-specific information in the form of a letter from the health insurance company proved to be the most effective way to get the information across. It led to 2.5 times as many vaccinations being carried out. (Source: Federal Chancellery)
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Final report: Is there a final report presenting the results and conclusions of this project?
Final report
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Date published:
18 November 2021