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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

How to validate authenticity

Validation that this is an official OECD website can be found on the Innovative Government page of the corporate OECD website.

Accessibility statement

The OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI) is committed to making the Innovation Playbook accessible and inclusive. This accessibility statement applies to the Innovation Playbook digital tool.

OPSI aims to ensure that the Innovation Playbook tool is accessible to as many people as possible. This includes making the website text clear and easy to understand, and ensuring that users can:


The digital version of the Innovation playbook was developed through a series of co-creation sessions driven by the Working Group “Governance of Innovation”. The purpose was to put its potential users at the helm of the design process: the Working Group, which is composed of 20 countries delegates, set a vision, defined the features, steered the direction, and provided constant feedback during the development of this tool.

These countries guidance defined the requirements for the digital version: (i) creating a tool which is visually engaging, playful, and interactive for users; (ii) facilitating cross linkages; (iii) easily updatable and manageable; (iv) export the results of the interaction and/or generate a summary report that users can download; and (v) following web accessibility and usability standards.

These co-creation sessions allowed to gather ideas and insights which informed the tool, as well as tested and validate the successive improvements being adopted from its earliest stages throughout its definitive version (terms of reference, mock-up, first release, final version).


The successive versions that were being produced of the digital version were heavily submitted to examination, testing and feedback of power-users, i.g. countries delegates that volunteered to play a specially active role in informing, testing and guiding the ongoing creation of the digital version. The contributions of Luxembourg, Brazil, Sweden, Chile, Colombia and Spain helped to keep the user at the center at all stages of the co-creation process.

Performance metrics

The accessibility of the tool was closely evaluated through two tools, one for scanning accessibility standards, the other the performance of the tool:

1. Access Monitor (AMA, Government of Portugal)

This platform allows to access and monitor webpages’ accessibility. The digital version scored an initial 8.3 out of 10 and discriminated 21 good accessibility practices, against 4 non acceptable. After revision, the score raised to 8.4/10. You can access the monitoring page here:

2. Page Speed Insights

This platform evaluates several categories, such as performance, accessibility, best practices and SEO. The category Accessibility is assessed. In accessibility, the Playbook scored a 96 out of 100.

Feedback channel

All pages of the digital version of the Innovation Playbook have a dedicated channel for users to provide feedback and share contributions. These inputs are going to be regularly consulted.

If you have any specific comment or question, please feel free to reach [email protected]