Digital Version of Playbook
The OECD acknowledges the incredible work of the 21 countries which participated in the Working Group: Chris Clarke (Australia), Michael Kallinger and Lukas Kastner (Austria), Frédéric Baervoets (Belgium), Camila Medeiros (Brazil), Orlando Rojas and Catalina Gutierrez (Chile), Miroslav Jurasek and Petr Jirman (Czechia), Anamaria Merlo, Laura Varon, Paula Motta and Andrea Lamprea (Colombia), Lene Krogh Jeppesen (Denmark), Matti Kuivalainen (Finland), Luca Romanini (Italy), Sebastian Haselbeck (Germany), Chrysa Chatzivasileiou and Christos Kokkalas (Greece), Kaspars Nesterovs and Evija Taurene (Latvia), Steve Glangé (Luxembourg), Kristin Haugse (Norway), Almendra Huidobro (Peru), Jorge Lagarto and Rui Martinho (Portugal), Anca Pǎiuşescu and Larisa Barac (Romania), Jisu Han (South Korea), Begoña Lazaro, M. Concepcion Tejedor and Antonio Guijaro (Spain), Jonas Gumbel and Jenny Engström (Sweden), and Frans van Dongen (The Netherlands). Special mention to the countries who volunteered to be power-users to inform, test and guide the ongoing creation of the digital version: Luxembourg, Brazil, Sweden, Chile, Colombia and Spain.
Furthermore, the OECD extends the acknowledgements to the over 700 participants who participated in the digital version of the Innovation Playbook soft launch which counted on Sweden, Romania and Chile leading the panel and which collected feedback from participants through the interactive tool Whooclap.
During the co-creation of this Playbook, a large number of participants actively engaged with their suggestions, inputs and ideas. Special thanks to all the members of the Steering Group who were heavily involved in the design and content creation of the Playbook: Chris Clarke and Ciara Morris (Australia), Steve Glangé (Luxembourg), Elsa Belo (Portugal), Anca Pǎiuşescu (Romania), Begoña Lazaro and Javier Barace (Spain). Later, the group was enlarged thanks to the engagement of Nina Genovese and Frédéric Baervoets (Belgium), Jana Ticháčková and Petr Jirman (Czech Republic), Isgard Peter (Germany), Frans van Dongen (Netherlands), and Judit Wefer and Jonas Gumbel (Sweden). The Steering Group was supported by advisors Arja Terho (Finland) and Lene Krogh Jeppesen (Denmark). This Playbook was developed under the leadership of Elsa Pilichowski, Director of the Public Governance Directorate (GOV). The Playbook was prepared in the Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI) with the coordination of Bruno Monteiro (Policy Analyst, OPSI) with the direct contributions by Heather Buisman (Innovation Analyst, OPSI), Claire Karle (Communications Officer, OPSI) and Alexandra Bekker (Design Expert, OPSI), under the supervision of Marco Daglio (Head of Unit, OPSI). The process also benefited from the contributions and revisions granted by the OPSI team, notably Angela Hanson, Chiara Varazzani, Jamie Berryhill, Misha Kaur and Piret Toñurist.
Development of tool
Last but not least, the digital version came to life thanks to Osom Studio, with special mention to Piotr Gałka, Adrian Sobiech and Tomasz Zieliński.