General Information
Project description
62% of times when an electronic device is broken their owner throw it away without thinking about repairing it, often encouraged by the industry. Consumers also think the information about "repairability" is hardly available at time of purchase.
DITP created an indicator understandable and usable by consumers. Different types of labels were created to be tested in the field. Their clarity and impact on consumer's purchase decision were scientifically evaluated.
Detailed information
Final report: Is there a final report presenting the results and conclusions of this project?
Final report
. Between several types of labels, some would elicit more attraction than others, more attention towards repairability, more weight given to repairability in the purchase decision
.Showing the indicator affect sthe probability that a consumer buys a computer displaying the indicator.
.Showing the indicator affect sthe probability that a consumer buys a computer displaying the indicator.
. Does showing the indicator affect the score of the computer finally bought by consumers ?
. Showing the repairability indicator increases the probability to buy a repairable computer (score >6)
Dependent variables
Probability that a consumer buys a computer during experimentation
Probability that a consumer buys a computer with a reparability score
Reparability score of the computer bought
Probability that the consumer buys a "green" computer (score >6)
See report
Sample Size. How many observations will be collected or what will determine sample size?
140 000 users of the website
Who is behind the project?
Project status:
What is the project about?
Date published:
24 June 2021