General Information
Project description
The project has the objective of accompanying, complementing, and strengthening the jurisdictional efforts of re-linking and permanence of students in the educational system through the national program "Volvé a la escuela" (Go Back to School) and jurisdictional initiatives, based on simple and cost-effective behavioral science interventions such as cellphone messaging. A mobile messaging strategy (text message and/or Whatsapp) will be designed to encourage students and their families to reconnect with the educational system, to attend and remain in it.
Some of these messages will focus on the intrinsic reasons for attending school, other messages will emphasize motives associated with extrinsic reasons. In this way, it will be possible to test whether these messages have an impact on the propensity of students to attend school and sustain their trajectories, as well as to understand what type of messages works best to motivate students and their families to return to class.
Analysis Plan
Who is behind the project?
Project status:
What is the project about?
Date published:
9 May 2022