Behavioural Insights Projects
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Switzerland's Energy Strategy 2050 aims to reduce energy-related environmental pollution, for example by increasing the energy efficiency of individuals, households, and companies.
To help achieve this goal and raise public awareness of the issue, the Swiss energy provider Primeo Energie ran an energy-saving campaign (hereinafter referred to as the campaign) in winter 2023/24. Customers who consume significantly less energy in the winter of 2023/24 than in the winter of the previous year can…
Pacific Island Nations are facing a crisis of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) - chronic diseases which are the result of a combination of genetic, physiological, environmental and behavioural facts. NCDs are the leading cause of mortality in the region, accounting for 75% of deaths. Unhealthy diets in particular have been recognized as a risk factor for high rates of obesity. Residents of the Pacific Island Nations have some of the highest rates of obesity in the world, with 92.9% and 80.7% of…
BI Project
Can interventions in supermarkets reduce household food waste? A randomised controlled trial of…
The study was conducted in collaboration with eight supermarkets from two of the largest Swedish supermarket chains. The stores provided the natural environment in which to conduct an experiment using real shoppers and real purchases, without shoppers being aware of the study. Four different interventions (different price displays) were designed, based on insights from behavioural science. These signs were tested in a randomised controlled study for two common and perishable vegetables –…
In the study, the effectiveness of four reminder messages was evaluated through an online laboratory experiment involving 2,963 participants. The content of these messages was designed based on evidence from behavioural sciences, and their effect was contrasted with that of a simple, brief, and direct message (control message). The impact of the reminders was measured through four outcome variables: the action participants declared they would take after receiving the message, understanding and…
BI Project
Designing Behaviorally Informed Health Interventions: Adherence to Micronutrient Treatment in El…
This study tested a behavioral intervention aiming to help reduce the prevalence of anemia in children in El Salvador. It first describes a traditional micronutrient distribution program for rural households. The analysis shows that although implementation was relatively successful, and take-up high, adherence to the full treatment of micronutrients was much lower. To explain this gap, the analysis employs a design methodology based on the “caregiver journey.” This methodology is a…
BI Project
Car Insurance Quote Sheet: Experimental Evidence of Its Impact on Financial Consumer Decisions
SERNAC designed and tested Key Fact Sheets to help consumer decision-making on quoting car insurance.
The study evaluated options to standardize the car insurance quotation sheet's design through a randomized online experiment with 3,008 consumers. Three prototypes were designed and tested in contrast to a representative quotation sheet currently provided by insurance companies in Chile to achieve this objective. Each prototype considered simplifying the language and standardization of the…
BI Project
Empirical testing of the impact on consumer choice resulting from differences in the composition of…
Differences in the composition of seemingly identical branded food products (DC-SIP) has been a source of growing concern in the EU in recent years. This was particularly the case after tests conducted in several Member States (MS) confirmed the presence of differences in composition of some branded food products sold across different Member States. This report aims to contribute to the existing studies by verifying whether the presence of DC-SIP influences consumer preferences and willingness…
BI Project
Nudging to reduce littering in waste disposal areas – A field experiment in Austria’s community…
Soiled waste disposal areas in municipal public housing buildings are not only a major nuisance for residents, but also cause high cleaning costs. The aim of the present study was to develop behavioral measures to promote cleanliness and to test them in a field experiment with about 400 waste disposal areas. The present paper compares two System-1 (large posters displaying watching eyes and a natural landscape) and two System-2 (financial information, information on normative behavior and…
BI Project
Measuring the effect of community based social marketing on the rate of application for home energy…
In Ireland, grants for retrofitting homes with energy upgrade measures are available from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland. Improved energy efficiency of households is an important aspect of Ireland’s climate emergency related targets.
Barriers to retrofitting include a lack of understanding about retrofitting and the process, and a lack of awareness of grant availability. Community based social marketing (CBSM) might be an effective way of increasing uptake because it addresses…
The study aims to identify barriers and trade-offs faced by consumers when deciding whether to engage in the circular economy. In particular, it explores decisions whether to buy a more or a less durable good, and whether to have a good repaired or to discard it and buy a replacement. It establishes the relative importance of economic, social and psychological factors that govern how consumers engage in the circular economy. Finally, it proposes policy tools to enable and encourage consumers to…