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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Potential Follow-up Increases Voter Turnout

General Information

Project description

Voting is a public good in that it benefits society and is an important part of a functioning democracy. Yet, many people fail to cast their ballot on election day because the individual benefits from voting are limited. Generally, people contribute more to public goods when their behavior is made more observable to others. However, voting is inherently private: very few people observe whether you actually show up on election day. In addition, existing channels used to encourage people to vote, such as mail or social media, are also inherently private and provide little or no observability. This project’s goal was to build on past get-out-the-vote (GOTV) efforts by creating the perception of observability in communications that encourage people to vote.

Source: B-Hub

Detailed information

Final report: Is there a final report presenting the results and conclusions of this project?


Final report

Pre-analysis plan: Is there a pre-analysis plan associated with this registration?


Additional information

<h3>Does a third party implement the intervention or is this a collaboration with another team?</h3><div class="csp"><p>America Votes, Analyst Institute, and Catalist,<br /> LLC</p> </div>

Who is behind the project?

Institution: Harvard Kennedy School
Team: Behavioural Insights Group

Project status:



Methodology: Experiment, Field Experiment
Could you self-grade the strength of the evidence generated by this study?: 1
Start date: 09/01/2010

What is the project about?

Policy area(s): Public governance
Behavioural tool(s): Identity Priming, Planning, Prompts, Reminders

Date published:

25 June 2021

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