In the last post in our innovation facets series, we looked at the particulars of enhancement-oriented innovation. In this post, we examine in detail the mission-oriented innovation facet – what it is, what role it plays, how to support it, and the key considerations. This post is us at OPSI “showing our work”, as this is still very much thinking that is evolving. Your feedback will help us in distilling the key messages, to ensure...
Month: October 2018
In our first two pieces looking at the innovation facets, we have described how each facet has different characteristics, and how different types of change are associated with different types of innovation. In this post, we dive into the specifics of the enhancement-oriented innovation facet – what it is, what role it plays, how to support it, and the key considerations. This post is us at OPSI “showing our work”, as this is still very...
When we opened up registration for our first webinar, we knew there was pent up demand to use different mediums to share OPSI’s knowledge, expertise, and thinking, but we were not sure if webinars were the right solution. After three webinars, 450 attendees from over 70 countries, and countless requests asking for the recording and presentations, we feel we are on the right track. Moving forward, we will be hosting webinars on a monthly basis....
In our post on innovation facets we outlined how innovation is not just one thing, but that there are different types of innovation that should be considered and appreciated in the public sector. We identified that different facets should be supported in different ways, in accordance with what they are most suited for. But before we dive further into the characteristics and strategies appropriate for each facet, in this post we’re going to explore some...