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BIG Difference BC

03nov09:0016:00BIG Difference BC09:00 - 16:00 View in my time Event Organized ByBC Behavioural Insights Group and UBC Decision Insights for Business and Society

Event Details

BIG Difference BC is an annual conference that celebrates using the behavioural and decision sciences to have a positive, lasting impact across a wide range of topics and sectors in B.C. and beyond. This year we are excited to feature:

•            Keynote address on how tools from social psychology can change society in constructive ways by Dr. Betsy Levy Paluck, Princeton University

•            Special session on using behavioural insights to improve how we communicate, including tailoring messages, reducing sludge, and increasing public trust

•            Lightning talks and micro-presentations sharing case studies, research results, best practices, and lessons learned

Registration/attendance details: register here.

Virtual Event Details

Event has already taken place!


3 November 2023 09:00 - 16:00

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BC Behavioural Insights Group and UBC Decision Insights for Business and Society

The BC Behavioural Insights Group (BC BIG) is a corporate research and evaluation unit in the BC Public Service Agency that uses insights and methods from the behavioural sciences to understand and encourage behaviour change. BC BIG has three areas of focus: (1) Evidence-building including advisory and intervention projects, (2) Capacity-building including training and outreach activities, and (3) Community-building including partnerships and networks. Decision Insights for Business and Society (UBC-DIBS) is a behavioural research and policy solutions initiative at UBC Sauder School of Business. UBC-DIBS’ mission is to improve outcomes across major societal and planetary challenges by improving our understanding of decision-making and helping people make choices that are better for themselves and for the world. In addition to research, UBC-DIBS works with partners to build the Behavioural Insights community and offer Behavioural Insights training.

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Registration/attendance details: register here.