Submit a COVID-19 Response
Thank you for submitting a new innovative response to COVID-19. Please complete this form to populate the repository.

Title of Innovative Response:
U.S. Digital Response: matching data and tech experts with U.S. state and local governments to respond to covid 19.
Description of Innovative Response:
The U.S. Digital Response launched March 16 to match data and digital experts with U.S. state and local government teams for rapid response to COVID-19. In two short weeks, more than 2,500 highly-skilled volunteers have signed up and dozens of governments have reached out for support.
We are an all-volunteer effort, and we are working to vet volunteers and match their skills and availability with projects to help governments continue delivering critical services such as social safety net benefits, unemployment benefits, and small business loans.
Learn more about our collaborations:
What specific issue is this solution intended to address?
The U.S. Digital Response exists to provide urgent tech support to U.S. state and local governments as they respond to covid 19. We match volunteer technologists with government teams to develop solutions, strategies, and tools to address their needs. We work in the open and aim for our solutions to be open source, replicable, and scalable. We are already in talks with other countries to consider how to scale the entire effort to be adapted where they are.
Our goal is to help governments keep their websites and systems up and running so they can continue provide mission-critical services to residents, especially as some of their systems come under increased demand and strain. The impact is to allow governments to continue to serve the millions of people they need to serve, uninterrupted, allowing people to get the relief and support they need during this crisis.
What possible issues are you anticipating or what might need to be tweaked/iterated later? Or, is there something you need from others?
If the COVID-19 situation becomes worse or protracted, there is a major risk that the key players in facilitating online / digital education may not be able to sustain financially and operationally given affected topline/revenues with ongoing costs to serve. More partnership support and Government financial support would help these players to tide over.