The Embedded Evidence Lab, created within the Agence Nationale d'Identification of Togo (ANID) with the Ministry of Digital Economy and Transformation (MENTD) in partnership with Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), aims to further digitize the country’s social services and make the best use of collected data to assist in public decision-making and enhance the reach of social protection programs.
Innovation Summary
Innovation Overview
In 2020, the strict measures implemented to combat the Covid-19 pandemic had significant socio-economic impacts in Togo. The Togolese government quickly introduced the social assistance program “Novissi” in the form of cash transfers, designed to support the most vulnerable populations and stimulate the economy. To decide on the eligibility of applicants, given the absence of a comprehensive and up-to-date social register, a digital platform was set up to cross-reference phone data and information from the electoral registry.
Following the success of “Novissi”, the government collaborated with a research team to precise targeting methods for identifying beneficiaries of social assistance. Based on this study, the government determined that building a comprehensive digital data infrastructure and broadening data usage could improve its delivery of social protection initiatives.
The Agence Nationale d'Identification of Togo (ANID) with the Ministry of Digital Economy and Transformation (MENTD) in partnership with Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) will develop an embedded lab integrated within the ANID to improve the delivery of social services through better targeting of social protection programs and support public policy decision-making.
The embedded lab will aim to equip the Agence Nationale d'Identification of Togo (ANID) in terms of:
- Data research, collection, management and analysis
- Interoperability of platforms of collection and use of dataset - Monitoring and evaluation of programs implemented
The FID funding will allow a first phase of the implementation of this lab by conducting an internal capacity assessment to assess the current state of data and evidence generation and use within ANID and develop a set of data-driven recommendations on how to equip ANID staff to regularly use evidence to improve their policies and programs.It also aims to promote a digital culture across all ministries in the country.
Innovation Description
What Makes Your Project Innovative?
The innovation lies in the integration of the embedded lab within ANID, focusing on elevating the delivery of social services through refined targeting of social protection initiatives and facilitating evidence-based decision-making. The project introduces advanced methods for data research, collection, management, and analysis, emphasizing interoperability of data platforms. The initiative also involves an internal capacity assessment to enable ANID staff to regularly leverage evidence for policy improvement, fostering a digital culture across ministries.
Innovation Development
Collaborations & Partnerships
Strong partnerships exist between Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), ANID, and MENTD to implement this innovation.
Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries
The primary target audience for this innovation is the Togolese government, specifically the Agence Nationale d'Identification of Togo (ANID) and the Ministry of Digital Economy and Transformation (MENTD). Ultimately, the broader public, particularly vulnerable populations, will benefit from the improved delivery of social protection programs and more accurate identification of eligible beneficiaries.
Innovation Reflections
Results, Outcomes & Impacts
As a result of the project, the integrated lab is expected to empower ANID and the Ministry in several key aspects. It will enhance internal capacity for data utilization, collection, and management. The research capabilities and evidence-based decision-making processes will be strengthened, allowing for more informed social programming. Additionally, the project aims to bolster monitoring and evaluation systems to effectively measure the impact of implemented programs. Overall, the initiative anticipates significant improvements in the efficiency and impact of social services delivery in Togo.
Mechanisms to ensure sustainability include developing a digital culture across all ministries in Togo, building internal capacity within ANID for data and evidence use, and reinforcing research capabilities and evidence-based decision-making processes.
Date Published:
5 November 2024