Efterlevnadsguiden is a website containing aggregated information from public authorities intended to assist those who have recently lost a loved one.
Innovation Summary
Innovation Overview
To understand service gaps on survivors’ needs, the initiative leveraged extensive interviews with survivors and key stakeholders. Employing a methodology based on personas and prototyping, the design process aimed at envisioning an integrated and seamless customer journey. The result is an innovation that ensures secure and hassle-free access to essential information needed by individuals to seamlessly navigate the life-event of a loss of a loved one. The platform combines services from necessary institutions, Swedish Tax Agency, Swedish Pensions Agency and Swedish Social Insurance Agency, along with private and social partners like funeral homes, and serves as a single-entry point for citizens to access services effortlessly. Walking them through various steps necessary to undergo when experiencing this life event, the platform adapts a very personalised approach. To ensure user-centricity, information is concise and divided into three key moments, namely, the moment right after the loved one passes away, the following months after and the year after, enabling a better management of the situation. Moving beyond the conventional bundling of services, its design embodies its core value of empathy by offering support services to deal with trauma and the loss, paying special attention to overlooked survivors such as children or elderly. In the last year, the website harnessed 384.000 visits which showcases its broad reach.
Innovation Description
What Makes Your Project Innovative?
This innovation stands out by centralizing information and services that were previously scattered across multiple authorities and organizations. Before its implementation, survivors faced the challenging task of navigating a fragmented system, contacting various government bodies, funeral homes, and other entities individually, often without clear guidance. By unifying these services on a single platform, the initiative provides a coordinated approach, streamlining processes and reducing the burden on survivors. This collaboration model is innovative not only in making resources more accessible but also in fostering inter-agency cooperation, which is innovative in public sector support services in Sweden. This innovation also brings empathy to a once complex process, focusing on user needs with clear, compassionate communication and a calming design to support survivors through a difficult time.
Innovation Development
Collaborations & Partnerships
Efterlevandeguiden is the joint responsibility of three government agencies: The Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket), the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) and the Swedish Pensions Agency (Pensionsmyndigheten) have jointly developed efterlevandeguiden.se and are jointly responsible for ensuring that the information contained there is accurate and neutral.
Customer service redirects individuals to the website, and funeral homes also provide similar guidance. When receiving a pension, recipients receive a letter with a link to the website, although no marketing is involved. Funeral homes serve as crucial contact points in this process. Communication is more organic rather than following a formal communication plan. Banks also have relevant information, contributing to the development of this network.
Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries
Direct engagement with survivors helped to understand their needs, involving them in the prototyping process. Throughout this journey, multiple iterations occurred based on extensive interviews and research. Personas were created, customer journeys mapped, and surveys conducted with funeral homes and support groups for those who have lost loved ones.
After the initial implementation, various development features were tested, along with the evaluation of the website. Spontaneous feedback from users was gathered to continually improve the service.
Innovation Reflections
Results, Outcomes & Impacts
In the last year, the website harnessed 384.000 visits which showcases its broad reach.
Conditions for Success
The innovation was driven by both top-down and bottom-up approaches. A specific department initiated the project by organizing groups focused on life events, particularly those related to grief. These groups sought additional resources and stakeholder support to expand their efforts. Key life events addressed include moving to Sweden, starting a new job, and having a baby—four critical moments in people's lives.
The approach recognizes that during times of crisis, only minimal information can be processed, so very short headings and straightforward text communicate what actions to take, when, how, and with whom. The design guides users on immediate steps, different stages, and actions for later. Core values prioritize user needs and empathy for survivors, reflected in a conversational, approachable tone rather than an authoritative one. Design choices—including a neutral aesthetic, nature-inspired imagery, and a carefully chosen color palette—were made thoughtfully. For example, purple was selected for its association with mourning in Catholicism.
An organization was established, funded by three entities—the social security agency, the pension authority, and the tax authority—to continuously support the platform's development, a unique approach in Sweden. This initiative introduces a new model for collaboration, finance, and governance. A working group, composed of representatives from various authorities, focuses on understanding and responding to user needs, especially given the limited laws and regulations surrounding end-of-life matters.
Date Published:
4 November 2024