Portfolio Exploration Tool

about this resource
A free online self-assessment tool to help you determine your team’s or organisation’s public sector innovation portfolio.
How it works
Determine your team’s or organisation’s public sector innovation portfolio in just 30-45 minutes. The Portfolio Exploration Tool is divided in two parts: module 1 gives you a quick snapshot of your organisation’s capability for innovation; module 2 takes a more detailed look at your projects and which type of innovation your projects map to.
The tool is based on the Innovation Facets model developed by the OECD. Watch this video to learn more about the model and how it helps public sector organisations take a portfolio approach to innovation.
The tool is freely accessible to anyone with an account on the OPSI website. If you already have an account, please sign in and click here. If you do not yet have an account, you can register for free.

Turn your team’s results into a workshop
Completed the self-assessment? Host your own Portfolio Exploration workshop!
If you want to take the results of the Portfolio Exploration Tool further, you can host your own innovation exploration workshop based on your self-assessment results!
The 2-hour innovation exploration workshop help you start the conversation about innovation portfolio management with your team or organisation. Full instructions and resources for hosting your own workshop are available for free. Download the facilitation guide below to take a sneak peek and email us to request the additional workshop materials.
If you have questions about the self-hosted workshop or would like OPSI to host a Portfolio Exploration workshop in your team or organisation, please get in touch at [email protected].
More about the Portfolio Exploration Tool
OPSI developed this tool to:
- Share and test our working model and knowledge about innovation to a broad international audience.
- Provide self-service quick analysis to tool users that can be used to critically reflect and start conversations inside of an organisation.
- Research trends in the tools aggregate data about organisational innovation and portfolio management, which will guide our future research.
On the future product roadmap, Module 3 of the Portfolio Assessment Too will include a comprehensive analysis based on data from multiple perspectives within an organisation. It will include a workshop component (physical or virtual) for reflection and to develop actions for amplifying or transitioning an organisational innovation portfolio as well as building portfolio management capability.
This tool and its underlying research was made possible by the European Commission Horizon 2020. See OPSI’s European Commission Collaboration page for more details.
OPSI lead the development of this tool, with contributions from its network of innovative public sector organisations and national contact points. OPSI benefits from strategic direction from the Horizon 2020 Advisory Board, including the Danish Design Centre and the University College London’s Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose.