The transition game is an adapted version of “Le jeu de la transition” developed by the French Think Tank FING (Fondation Internet Nouvelle Génération) and adapted to a national defence environment, covering topical areas such as cyber and information warfare, man-machine teaming, and situational awareness and reconnaissance.
It guides groups through several steps:
1) Think about how different context factors and "internal tensions" shape today's state (ordering principles, norms, tensions, etc.),
2) How future trends, innovations and initiatives transform today's state, including chances and opportunities, and which actors play a role, and,
3) Describe how the story of transition can be told from today's situation to the implementation of a new solution in a possible future state
The output stories may take different forms, including text or comics, but is up to the facilitator to define. The resource is available as an Excel file that automatically populates a Transition Graph based on inputs. According to the publisher, the ideal parameters for the workshop are groups of 7-10 individuals and about 4 hours. The website also includes rules for moderators and example outputs.