OECD Mission Community of Practice

About Mission-oriented innovation
Mission-oriented innovation policy seek to harness innovation to propel mission accomplishment.

OECD Mission Community of Practice
The OECD Mission Community of Practice, supported by the European Commission via the Horizon Europe programme, connects over 250 different policymakers and mission practitioners around missions and mission-oriented approaches to promote knowledge exchange, discuss tools and methods, and gain insights into the latest OECD work on missions. The themes explored during subsequent sessions of the Community range from core mission elements – such as mission governance, mission monitoring and evaluation, and mission portfolio management – to context-dependent applications like missions for climate mitigation and emerging mission practice in low- and middle-income countries. Monthly webinar sessions explore these different facets of missions as well as allow Community members to share their own insights and expertise and contribute to shaping the research of the Mission Action Lab.
Since the launch event on March 26 supported, monthly Horizon Europe webinars have been held on the last Tuesday of each month. At the online launch, which brought together over one hundred mission practitioners, the Community had the opportunity to discuss common challenges and areas of interest, setting the direction for future sessions. In April, the Community reconvened for “Session 1: Missions, When and Why?” where they discussed a framework for analysing when missions are the most appropriate policy approach and when they are not. These one-hour sessions are structured to include brief presentations from the OECD Mission Action Lab, theme-related contributions from Community members, and interactive exercises to facilitate discussion and engagement. Future sessions have been scheduled until the end of the year, covering a wide variety of themes drawing from the interest of the Community. To apply to join the OECD Mission Community of Practice, please fill out this short interest form.