General Information
Project description
Improving prevention in the area of mental health, destigmatizing the topic, improving awareness of the possibilities of help for different types of mental health problems, gradually breaking down the barriers that stand in the way of seeking professional help.
Problem: students do not know how to deal with mental discomfort and the onset of mental health problems, including those caused by pandemics.
Analysis Plan
Reciprocity will increase the interest of students to seek information about mental health.
How hypothesis will be tested
A clickbait will be measured to detect interest in learning more about mental health and to test (+assess) student mental health. 4 treatments: education, dynamic social norm, reciprocity, and control group. Students will also be able to apply to become a buddy or request a buddy. Students' motivation is contingent on evaluating the questionnaire by incorporating gamification.
Dependent variables
Barriers to mental well-being, Motivations for mental well-being.
Scales measuring anxiety and depression.
Click rate of interest for more information about mental health and peer system.
To determine interest in the buddy system, we created a questionnaire that was launched online in October through online portal of universities. The purpose of the questionnaire was to measure clickbait to gauge interest in learning more about mental health and to test (+assess) student mental health. The questionnaire consists of the treatments: education, dynamic social norm, reciprocity, and control group. The questionnaire allowed students to sign up to become a buddy or request a buddy. Students' motivation was determined by evaluating the questionnaire by incorporating gamification. The mail objective was to create a strategy for building a "buddy system" which should work in the form of peer support at universities. Peers will thus be able to request the assignment of their buddy, who will serve as a guide at the university (orientation on the school, on subjects, etc.) but most importantly will be able to give advice on where to seek help in the area of mental health(info on the student counseling center, the psychological counseling center at the school, etc.). Then, after creating recommendations based on a survey, we will move on to a field experiment where student interest in joining the programme will be measured. All buddies will undergo basic psychological training provided by UNIPOC (UPJŠ in KE).
Sample Size. How many observations will be collected or what will determine sample size?
N=5403 subjects
External link
Slovak Republic
Who is behind the project?
Project status:
What is the project about?
Date published:
9 May 2022