Behavioural Insights Projects
Discover projects applying behavioural science to policy from around the world. Add your own projects, whether completed or still ongoing, to contribute knowledge on BI applications across different countries, policy areas, and topics of interest.
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This project aims to improve the effectiveness of medicines policy, develop a strategy for the adaptation of new medicines entering the system, focus on the behavior of selected stakeholder groups, and improve the effectiveness of existing medicines in the system.
Determining residents' current preferences for covid-19 vaccination and developing strategies based on the use of behavioural interventions.
BI Project
Stabilization of blood supply and demand for the National Transfusion Service of the Slovak Republic
Analysis of the preferences of current blood donors and development of a strategy for launching a behavioral blood donor registry.
Improving prevention in the area of mental health, destigmatizing the topic, improving awareness of the possibilities of help for different types of mental health problems, gradually breaking down the barriers that stand in the way of seeking professional help.
Problem: students do not know how to deal with mental discomfort and the onset of mental health problems, including those caused by pandemics.