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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

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The Health Affairs Department created an interactive map service to address the issue of patients and visitors getting lost in the hospital. The goal is to enhance their experience by providing accurate instructions and an interactive map. This innovation allows easy access to detailed maps, helping users find departments, facilities. It saves time, reduces frustration, and improves overall comfort. By utilizing technology, it offers a user-friendly experience, and enhances hospital management.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

The interactive map service developed by the Health Affairs Department of the Ministry of National Guard addresses the problem of patients and visitors getting lost within the hospital while aiming to enhance their overall experience. By providing accurate instructions and an interactive map, the innovation enables users to easily navigate various departments, facilities, and services within the hospital premises. The primary objective of this service is to save time and effort for patients and visitors, reducing frustration and stress associated with getting lost. Moreover, it aims to improve overall comfort and satisfaction by facilitating efficient access to required services.
Beneficiaries of this innovation include patients, visitors, and the hospital itself. Patients and visitors benefit by having a user-friendly interface that guides them accurately and promptly, ensuring a smoother experience within the hospital. The reduced frequency of inquiries and improved integration into the hospital environment further contributes to enhanced patient comfort. Additionally, by saving time and effort for medical and administrative staff, the innovation improves efficiency in managing patient needs. In terms of future vision, the interactive map service is envisioned to become an integral part of the hospital's operations. It will be institutionalized by incorporating it into the existing infrastructure and systems of the hospital. This will ensure its sustainability and seamless integration into the overall patient experience. Furthermore, as the demand for such services increases, there is potential for scaling the innovation to accommodate a larger user base, potentially expanding its reach beyond a single hospital to include broader healthcare settings or other industries. The course of action for this innovation was determined by identifying the problem of patients and visitors getting lost within the hospital and recognizing the opportunity to improve their experience through accurate guidance. The project's implementation involved utilizing technology and digital platforms to develop an interactive map service. Detailed maps and instructions were created, reflecting the layout of the hospital and providing users with a user-friendly and intuitive experience. While the project was inspired by the need for better navigation support within the hospital, it stands as a unique and innovative solution tailored specifically to address the challenges faced by patients and visitors.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

One key aspect that makes this project unique is its focus on enhancing the overall experience of patients and visitors. By addressing the problem of getting lost within the hospital, it reduces frustration, stress, and the likelihood of wasted time for individuals. Additionally, the interactive nature of the maps and instructions provides a level of personalization and customization, catering to the specific needs of each user. Furthermore, the scalability and institutionalization of this service within the hospital's existing infrastructure is another unique aspect. This integration ensures the long-term sustainability and widespread adoption of the interactive map service, making it an integral part of the hospital's operations. By leveraging technology, user-centric design, and efficient implementation, this project represents a distinctive and innovative solution that significantly improves the navigation and overall experience within the healthcare setting.

What is the current status of your innovation?

•Generating Ideas or Designing Solutions - finding and filtering ideas to respond to the problem or opportunity
•Developing Proposals - turning ideas into business cases that can be assessed and acted on
•Implementation - making the innovation happen
•Evaluation - understanding whether the innovative initiative has delivered what was needed.
•Diffusing Lessons - using what was learnt to inform other projects and understanding how the innovation can be applied in other ways.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

MNGHA has collaborated with several national entities to reach a digital maturity level that facilitates the implementation and utilization of smart digital solutions. National Data Management Office (NDMO) is one example of the active collaborations that allowed MNGHA to adopt the guidelines and standards of data governances leading towards 2030 vision.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

• Patients and health care providers, including physicians and specialists in patient services and care
• Administrative positions and decision makers.
• Technologists who want to use data to achieve highly efficient business results and make improvement decisions through prediction.
• Scientists and scientific research teams.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

The interactive map service has demonstrated significant results and impactful outcomes. Firstly, it has noticeably reduced the number of patients and visitors getting lost in the hospital, leading to improved overall efficiency and satisfaction. This has been measured through feedback surveys, user testimonials, and a decrease in the number of inquiries related to directions and navigation within the hospital. Additionally, the innovation has saved time and effort for both patients and medical staff. This has resulted in reduced wait times and improved productivity for medical and administrative staff. Quantitatively, this can be measured by analyzing the average time taken for patients to reach their desired destination within the hospital.

Challenges and Failures

During the implementation, several challenges accoured. One significant challenge was the integration of the digital platform with the existing hospital infrastructure, as it required coordination with various departments and technical teams. Additionally, ensuring the accuracy and consistent updates of the information within the service posed a challenge due to the dynamic nature of a hospital environment. While no major structural failures occurred, there were instances where minor setbacks impacted the functionality of the service, such as occasional technical glitches or compatibility issues with certain devices. These setbacks were addressed promptly by the project team, involving troubleshooting, software updates, and maintenance.

Conditions for Success

The success of an innovation such as the interactive map service and accurate instructions relies on several conditions. These include supporting infrastructure and services, which encompass a robust technological system and reliable internet connectivity. Clear policies and rules should be established to govern the implementation and maintenance of the service, ensuring data privacy and seamless operation. Additionally, personal values and motivation of the individuals involved in the service's implementation play a crucial role in driving its success, as their commitment to improving patient experience and hospital operations is vital for its effectiveness.


Hospitals and healthcare facilities can adopt this interactive map service to enhance the experience of their patients and visitors. By providing accurate directions and important information about the hospital layout and services, patients can navigate easily and feel more comfortable. The service can reduce the burden on hospital staff by decreasing the frequency of patient inquiries and streamlining operations.

Lessons Learned

Robust and accurate information, ensure that the map service provides accurate and up-to-date information about the hospital layout, departments, facilities, and services available. Regularly verify and update the information to maintain its reliability.

Project Pitch


  • Identifying or Discovering Problems or Opportunities - learning where and how an innovative response is needed

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Date Published:

28 June 2024

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