The resource was developed for IFRC and National Societies to develop their literacy around data, but it could easily be applied to other organisations. It aims to promote responsible data use and develop data readiness. It has been tailored based on these audiences:
The Data Curious, who needs an ‘on ramp’ to learn and be exposed to the data basics.
The Data Advocate, who sees relevance and and wants to improve their skills and/or offer support.
The Data Active, who are motivated to self-learn and are on their way to being a ‘data-leader’.
The Data Ready, who are ‘trainers’ or ‘data leaders’ who lead data-driven projects and mentor colleagues.
It was heavily influenced by the DIY toolkit, the Atlassian Team Playbook and the Open Organization principles. The content is built to be social and modularised and used in a ‘pick and choose’ method. It includes examples, best best practices, how to’s, slides, session plans, training materials, matrices and scenarios, which are provided in formats that are easily adapted by others.
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Discipline or practice
Link to toolkit