Bi Project Policy Area: Education
BI Project
The 'Doe meer met taal' (Get more out of language) campaign was launched to reach out to individuals with limited literacy skills whose mother tongue is Dutch. At its conclusion, people in the target group said they felt more motivated to improve their language skills. They are also more inclined to take proactive steps, for example by engaging in language-related activities at home. 66,000 people visited the campaign website.
Why this experiment was conducted: everyone should be equipped with…
BI Project
Working more hours to combat teacher shortages: How can teachers be motivated to increase their work…
In a vignette survey, teachers in primary, secondary and post-secondary vocational education were asked whether they would like to work more hours − with and without incentives. The survey shows that their willingness to do so can be increased to varying degrees by offering them bonuses, additional employee benefits and a combination of both.
Why this experiment was conducted: teacher shortages
The government has identified significant staff shortages in primary and secondary education. It is…
BI Project
Generating more enthusiasm for teacher training programmes: How to get students more interested in…
In this experiment, various emails were sent to students in senior general secondary education (HAVO) and preuniversity education (VWO) to inform them about open days of teacher training programmes. The subject line that most caught their attention was ‘Are you looking for job security, challenge and a wide range of career opportunities?’ as well as a subject line in which a role model was introduced. Where emails mention teachers' starting salaries, students most often click links to more…
The project’s goal is to bridge the gap between individuals’ green intentions and behaviors by simplifying self-regulating behavioral tools such as information processing, implementation intentions, and prioritizing.
Through structured workshops, online courses and social media content Ecofriendly Choices creates a link between environmental ideas and actual everyday choices, helping individuals overcome information overload, action paralysis and procrastination in ecofriendly consumption…
Using a place-based approach and working with profiled local communities in Coventry, we prototype and test a new experimental methodology with elements of design thinking to better understand barriers to engagement with retrofit measures designed to reduce household carbon emissions and alleviate fuel poverty. We partner with Coventry City Council, a local school and artists to deliver a pilot scheme in the Radford area of Coventry and aim in future to expand the project to additional areas…
Overall, this research investigated how to enhance the effectiveness of multi-stakeholder collaboration in tackling climate change. By leveraging two socio-psychological theories – Self-Affirmation Theory (SAT) and Moral Foundations Theory (MFT),this study equipped facilitators with strategies to reduce identity threats, foster constructive dialogs, and ultimately contribute to the development of more effective solutions in the environmental domain.
To support building the pipeline of skilled workers in Ontario, the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD) introduced the Skilled Trades Strategy (STS) in 2020 which aims to modernize the skilled trades and apprenticeship system by breaking the stigma and attracting more young people to the skilled trades, simplifying the system, and encouraging employer participation. In collaboration with MLITSD, the Ontario Behavioural Insights Unit (BIU) plans to run a…