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This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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This research shows that teacher and administration absences can negatively affect students’ reading and math abilities.Working with the Peruvian Ministry of Education (MINEDU) and the UK’s Behavioural Insights Team (BIT), we tested whether attendance could be influenced by sending different behaviorally informed messages by email. One email message conveyed the current level of attendance of one’s school district the “social norm” while the other built on teachers’ pro-social…
Among the education and psychology literature that looks at the role of beliefs and school outcomes, Growth Mindset theory (GM) posits that by helping students shift their theory of learning to one where intelligence isn’t a fixed state – but rather, that it’s malleable, and something you can improve and grow over time – students can become self-motivated to improve both academic effort and outcomes. Teaching youth how to foster a GM doesn’t just offer a potential solution at low cost…
In Indonesia, a replication of a Growth Mindset intervention had significant impacts on student academic performance – particularly in schools located in regions that could benefit the most. Student learning outcomes in Indonesia have remained lower than their regional neighbors and other middle-income countries, as suggested by the results of the Program for International Student Assessment – PISA. Aside from socioeconomic conditions and access to educational resources, student motivation…
Challenge Students in low-income districts are less likely to sign up to take the Gifted and Talented (G&T) admissions test than their peers in higher-income districts. As a result, fewer students from low-income districts test into and attend G&T programs that could improve educational outcomes and provide meaningful opportunities. To the extent that the city may use sign-up rates as an indicator of demand, and thus where additional G&T programs should be located, low sign-up rates can mean…
PROJECT SUMMARY Arizona State University freshmen students eligible for the Student Engagement and Employment Development Plan (SEED), a work-study program, received emails designed to emphasize the benefits of joining the program and eliminate hassles in the application process. IMPACT The redesigned emails increased the number of students applying for SEED jobs by 3 percentage points, from 9% to 12% of students. Source: B-Hub
PROJECT SUMMARY Text messages were delivered to parents of children from 3 to 5 years old enrolled in public preschools in Uruguay using a government mobile app. These messages targeted malleable factors producing students’ absences and sought to influence parent’s attitudes and beliefs about preschool attendance to increase children’s presence in the classroom. IMPACT Children in remote areas increased attendance by 1.5 days, suggesting an increase in cognitive development of 0.20 SD.…
Challenge Conditional cash transfers are funds given to households if they fulfill certain requirements, such as sending their children to school. These cash transfers can boost households’ investment in health and education; however, they are expensive, and it is often complicated to track and enforce compliance with the requirements. Removing the conditions may make cash transfer programs more cost effective by decreasing administrative costs, while still providing a nudge to increase school…
Challenge At San Francisco State University, 18% of students drop out by the end of their first year, mostly for reasons unrelated to their academic achievements. The goal was to increase the number of first-year college students returning for their second year. Design To help first-year students understand that the challenges they faced were neither unique to them nor evidence of personal failure, all incoming first-year students at SF State were asked to watch a three-minute video in which…
Challenge Research suggests that some students—including low-income, underrepresented minority, and first generation students—avoid applying for financial aid due to a combination of psychological reasons. Some are overwhelmed by the complexity of the process, while others worry they’ll feel out of place in college or be stigmatized for their socio-economic background. These psychological factors can cause students to avoid applying for aid, or fail to complete their financial aid…
PROJECT SUMMARY Students were sent two redesigned emails during the course selection process: a pre-registration email that laid out instructions and procedures for registration, and a post-registration email that notified students if any of their upcoming courses did not fit financial aid requirements. IMPACT The average aid award for students receiving both redesigned emails rose by $150.28 per student for the Spring semester compared with students who received neither email, with a total…