Bi Project Policy Area: Health
BI Project
Making sure that young people get vaccinated against HPV: How do you encourage both boys and girls…
A campaign was launched to encourage young people to get the catch-up vaccination against Human Papillomavirus (HPV). The campaign succeeded in promoting discussion and increased awareness of HPV as well as persuading young people to get vaccinated.
Why this experiment was conducted: provide boys and girls with a vaccine they might not have received
In 2022 and 2023, boys were invited for the first time and girls were invited again to get vaccinated against the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). HPV…
BI Project
Text messaging to spur vaccination take-up: which type of communication is most effective?
In early 2022, various kinds of text messages were sent to over 100,000 residents of Brabant-Zuidoost who had not yet received a booster jab from the GGD. The results show that the most effective variant − in the 6 days after receiving the text message − led to a 3.2% increase in the number of vaccinations administered. This was the text message saying 'Jouw boosterprik ligt voor je klaar' (You can now book your booster vaccination) plus a randomly allocated date, time and location.
BI Project
Higher COVID-19 vaccination rates: did mobile vaccination units result in an increase in the number…
In an effort to boost COVID-19 vaccination rates, mobile vaccination units were rolled out in late 2021. This strategy proved successful: the number of vaccinations administered was between 1.1 and 14.5 times higher in neighbourhoods on the days they were visited by mobile units. The units were more effective in rural areas than in urban settings. In addition, they proved to be more effective than average in neighbourhoods with a higher proportion of SGP voters and still effective, although to a…
BI Project
Walk-in vaccination without an appointment: does the absence of the need to schedule a vaccination…
Could we expect a higher vaccine uptake if vaccination appointments are no longer necessary? A campaign in neighbourhoods where vaccination rates were lagging sought to test whether emphasising convenience led to an increase in the number of administered vaccinations, by offering walk-in vaccination without an appointment. This indeed proved to be the case. Furthermore, getting a COVID-19 vaccine on a walk-in basis has become popular, along with the platform PrikkenZonderAfspraak.
Why this…
BI Project
Instilling the habit of more frequent hand washing in office settings: how to encourage proper and…
Washing your hands regularly with soap and water is an effective and easy way of reducing the risk of people falling ill with COVID-19, influenzas or a cold, or contracting other viral illnesses. Stickers and posters were developed focusing on reframing, nudging and habit stacking. Displaying the posters in the office environment led to an increase in handwashing amongst employees. Soap consumption went up.
Why this experiment was conducted: improved hygiene standards in the workplace is the…
BI Project
Encouraging the wearing of face masks in hospitality venues: how to ensure guests wear face masks in…
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, guests were required to wear face masks on entering and while moving inside hospitality venues. To promote this behaviour, self-persuasion and salience techniques were used in this experiment - with notable success. Following the announced relaxation of face mask requirements, there was a decrease in face mask usage, although this was significantly less in hospitality venues that saw interventions than in venues that did not experience interventions.
Why this…
BI Project
Encouraging people to get fitter: how can you give overweight people concrete guidance on adopting a…
The 'Fit op jouw manier' (Fit your way) campaign aims to encourage overweight individuals to get after. The campaign successfully reaches the target audience, motivating them with tips that they then practice. For example, more people now regularly take the stairs instead of the life or escalator.
Why this experiment was conducted: combating overweight and obesity
The Prevention Agreement aims to reduce the proportion of overweight adults from 50% in 2018 to 38% by 2040. A healthy lifestyle…