Behavioural Insights Projects
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The Health Quality & Safety Commission (‘the
Commission’) uses data from the National Adult
Inpatient Experience Survey to understand patient
experience and evaluate quality of patient care in
hospitals. Two questions (See Appendix 1A) pertaining to
patients’ understanding of medication side-effects and
condition management have consistently received low
scores on the survey every quarter. Ogilvy conducted
Phase 1 of ‘Raising the Bar’ research for the Commission,
investigating these…
We seek to increase voluntary appearances for people with outstanding Warrants to Arrest (WTA) through reminder phone calls from Māori Wardens and Police. This Auckland-based project follows a proof-of-concept trial in the Eastern District, in which Māori Wardens made phone calls to people with outstanding WTAs and we compared voluntary appearances for those who were reached via phone to those who were not.
While this first trial showed indicative evidence that phone calls may be effective,…
BI Project
Whāriki Haumaru: Encouraging voluntary participation at court for people with outstanding Warrants…
We seek to increase voluntary appearances for people with outstanding Warrants to Arrest (WTA) through reminder phone calls from Māori Wardens and Police. This Auckland-based project follows a proof-of-concept trial in the Eastern District, in which Māori Wardens made phone calls to people with outstanding WTAs and we compared voluntary appearance rates for those who were reached via phone to those who were not.
While this trial in the Eastern District showed indicative evidence that phone…
The Environment Act 1986 established the Ministry for the Environment (MfE), which is the primary adviser of the New Zealand Government on environmental matters. The purpose statement for the MfE is “A flourishing environment for every generation – He taiao tōnui mō ngā reanga katoa [te reo version, the indigenous language of the Māori people].
MfE is actively engaged in reducing waste across the country, as illustrated by the recent Aotearoa New Zealand Waste Strategy. To lead by…