Behavioural science interventions advancing energy efficiency have mostly focused on consumer behaviour, with comparatively little work examining the important role that industrial consumers play in advancing the energy transition. Using the D.R.I.V.E.® framework, the project identified, analysed and consolidated the relevant literature and potential of behavioural science informed approaches to help SMEs become more energy efficient. Starting from a comprehensive review of the academic and…
Behavioural Insights Projects
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Switzerland's Energy Strategy 2050 aims to reduce energy-related environmental pollution, for example by increasing the energy efficiency of individuals, households, and companies.
To help achieve this goal and raise public awareness of the issue, the Swiss energy provider Primeo Energie ran an energy-saving campaign (hereinafter referred to as the campaign) in winter 2023/24. Customers who consume significantly less energy in the winter of 2023/24 than in the winter of the previous year can…