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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Finding the Right Tools

How do you know why, when and how you should use a particular tool to get the best results? I’m working on the development of an Innovation Toolkit for public servants and I want to hear from you about how you choose between methods, and what information you need when you are using a new approach. ‌Why an innovation toolkit? The work of public servants is changing. Traditional methods no longer guarantee the same results...
Back in November 2014, at the launch of the Observatory of Public Sector Innovation, more than 400 policy makers, front line public servants, civil society organisations, and academics gathered at the OECD to celebrate government innovation—how we can do things differently to achieve positive results for individuals and society. At that event, the OECD made a call to action for governments to create the conditions to promote and enable public sector innovation. How did countries...
This blog was authored by guest blogger, Bruno Queiroz Cunha, Advisor, Special Advisory Unit for Management Modernization, Brazilian Ministry of Planning Innovation requires a certain amount of creativity and dynamic thinking, two qualities that come somewhat naturally in Brazil. The country’s recent Innovation Week was all about harnessing these attributes for positive change in the public sector. From November 30th and December 4th, several hundred participants embarked enthusiastically…
If you are trying to raise awareness of innovation – both the need for it, and ways of doing it – and trying to help public servants learn about the process of innovation, how might you proceed? In Australia, we established ‘Innovation Month’ – a month long series of events and activities about innovation targeted at public servants and interested stakeholders and partners. In 2015, Innovation Month had the theme of ‘Dream, Dare, Do’ and...
Today, the number of NEET (not in education, employment or training) youth in Surrey has more than halved from about 1000 to 429 from five years ago, with data showing that Surrey had achieved the lowest joint NEET proportion in England between November 2013 and January 2014. How this result has been achieved? By putting youth needs first we changed the logic of service delivery focusing away from packaging interventions to commissioning better outcomes for Surrey youth.

Mexico’s Public Sector Challenge

Satisfying society's current and future energy needs in a suitable manner is a pressing global challenge. Meeting the demand for energy is essential for economic and social development in the XXI Century, as well as to guarantee political and social stability.
On 12-13 November 2014, the OECD held an important conference. More than 400 people answered the call for action of the OECD Secretariat. The role of government is more challenging than ever, and the need for public innovation greater than ever, to find solutions to the challenges we are facing as a society.

An innovative public sector?

Last week over three hundred people from the public, private and civil society sectors descended on the OECD in Paris. Why? To discuss an innovative public sector. For some of you that might sound like an oxymoron, but over two days stereotypes were left at the door as participants shared stories and learnt about innovation in the public sector.
What do innovation labs or teams do that existing structures and processes do not? Why are they needed? My own perspective on this question has undergone some evolution, informed by my involvement in an Australian experiment with an innovation lab – DesignGov. DesignGov was an 18 month pilot innovation team set up to explore different forms of collaboration and the application of design-led innovation to issues spanning multiple government agencies.