Innovative response
Since March 16, all Russian universities were recommended to introduce mixed and distance learning formats. To support universities during the transition period in connection with the unfavorable situation caused by the new coronavirus infection (COVID-2019), a Situation Center of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science and a hotline have been created. The recommendations for the universities on the transfer of educational courses to the online format were developed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
Specific issues addressed and anticipated impact
Universities will be faced with a number of new organisational, technological and procedural challenges as a result of enforced distance-learning. Russia have subsequently created this Situation Centre to help universities specifically manage this transition.
Organisations/institutions involved
Russian Ministry of Education and Science
- National/Federal government
Issues being addressed:
- Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal)
- Public service delivery under new circumstances
Response tags:
Adaptive ActionDate Submitted:
15 April 2020