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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Be a Volunteer


Innovative response

Solidarity and empathy for the most vulnerable during a coronavirus pandemic is crucial. In the days when it was necessary for the most vulnerable to stay in their homes in order not to become infected with the coronavirus, the help of volunteers was extremely important.

All non-at-risk citizens who wished to help our oldest fellow citizens and other at-risk population groups applied to the new unique system for registration of volunteers in the Republic of Serbia. It was done by filling out an application at or by calling the COVID-19 Contact Centre at 19819, which was available free of charge every day from 08am until 10pm.

Specific issues addressed and anticipated impact

All non-at-risk citizens who wished to help our oldest fellow citizens and other at-risk population groups applied to the new unique system for registration of volunteers in the Republic of Serbia. It was done by filling out an application at or by calling the COVID-19 Contact Centre at 19819. Once the application has been approved by the competent services, volunteers were contacted by the city and municipal centres with detailed instructions and first tasks.

All applications submitted by interested citizens who wish to help and volunteer were inspected in order to prevent even the slightest misuse. The platform was implemented with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and to date almost 8,000 volunteer applications have been received.

Organisations/institutions involved

Office for the IT and eGovernment, Serbia
Government of the Republic of Serbia
UNDP Serbia

Level(s) of government:
  • National/Federal government
  • Regional/State government
  • Local government
  • International Organisation
  • Non-Profit/Civil Society

Issues being addressed:

  • Resource management and mobilisation
  • Crowdsourcing solutions
  • Social effects of the crisis

Response contact:

[email protected]


Date Submitted:

18 May 2020