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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Digital Solidarity


Innovative response

The Office for IT and eGovernment launched a Digital Solidarity Portal, available at, intended to improve the quality of life to all those who are staying at home due to the corona virus pandemic. is the first government-launched crowd sourcing platform. It is providing information about free platforms for distance learning, working from home, as well as free books, courses, music, films and other educational and entertaining content during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Specific issues addressed and anticipated impact

Sharing is Caring. A number of socially-responsible organisations, such as Microsoft, IBM, Telekom Srbija, IT4BIZ, PKS Partner, VIP, Semos, Petlja, Nutanix and many more shared their resources free of charge with the Serbia's citizens. To date, there have been 100,000 visitors, with citizens being most interested in work-from-home platforms, but also theater plays and virtual museum tours.

Organisations/institutions involved

Office of the IT and eGovernment
Government of the Republic of Serbia

Level(s) of government:
  • National/Federal government
  • International Organisation
  • Private Sector
  • Non-Profit/Civil Society

Issues being addressed:

  • Resource management and mobilisation
  • Crowdsourcing solutions
  • Social effects of the crisis

Response contact:

[email protected]


Date Submitted:

18 May 2020