Innovative response
Combatting misinformation is a key communication issue for governments in ensuring citizens follow correct public health advice. Whatsapp as a platform is particularly difficult to manage misinformation given the private nature of the platform. Accordingly, the WHO, UNICEF and UNDP have made the first of its kind, a 'WhatsApp Coronavirus Information Hub'. It includes a $1m donation to the Poynter Institute's International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN).
The WhatsApp Coronavirus Information Hub provides simple, actionable guidance for health workers, educators, community leaders, nonprofits, local governments and local businesses that rely on WhatsApp to communicate. The site also offers general tips and resources for users around the world to reduce the spread of rumors and connect with accurate health information.
These recommendations provide quick guidance on how small groups can make the most of WhatsApp features, and will be distributed by UNDP to those coordinating local efforts. In addition, WhatsApp is working with the WHO and UNICEF to provide messaging hotlines for people around the world to use directly. These hotlines will provide reliable information and will be listed on the WhatsApp Coronavirus Information Hub.
This grant will include will allow the IFCN to undertake fact-checking for the #CoronaVirusFacts Alliance, which spans more than 100 local organizations in at least 45 countries. The grant will support training to use the advanced features within WhatsApp Business, including the WhatsApp Business API. Expanding the presence of these IFCN certified fact-checking organizations will help ensure local communities are aware and responding to potential harmful rumors.
Specific issues addressed and anticipated impact
Information is spreading like wildfire on corona virus. It is vital that it is the right information is being shared, and that trusted institutions are engaging through the platforms through which most people use.
This intervention should address that, by allowing people to fact check news, and share reliable information far more easily, on a platform where that has historically been difficult.
Organisations/institutions involved
UNDP, Unicef, WHO, Whatsapp, Poynter Institute's International Fact-Checking Network
- International Organisation
- Private Sector
- Non-Profit/Civil Society
Issues being addressed:
- Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal)
Date Submitted:
23 March 2020