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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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OGP’s Participation and Co-creation Toolkit: From usual suspects to business as usual

Champion CHAMPION:
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This resource describes open government good practices and presents them to encourage further adoption and innovation. The publisher's goal is to help government reformers and civil society partners in improving the quality and output of co-creation processes across the Open Government Partnership (OGP). The resource was created to aid OGP partners but is applicable to others interested in open government. The Toolkit contains content organised in a Question & Answer format, a matrix of…
Reference Panels, also known as Citizens' Assemblies, Commissions and Juries, are an example of long-form deliberative processes that are frequently used by governments and public agencies to obtain detailed guidance on important and sometimes controversial policies. Based on the publisher's experience with reference panels, they offer eight moves from their playbook to help others plan their own deliberative process.

Citizen Sensing: A Toolkit

Champion CHAMPION:
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Produced as part of the Making Sense project, which draws on nine citizen sensing campaigns in Holland, Kosovo and Spain in 2016 and 2017. Based on that experience, the publisher developed a framework and methods and tools for citizen participation in environmental monitoring and action. Their approach is bottom-up and participatory, which the publishers call "citizen sensing." The publishers offer a software platform for collecting data, methodologies for making sense of data, and best…

Neighbourhood Ideas Exchange Toolkit

Champion CHAMPION:
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This toolkit is for people help each other map out the skills, knowledge, resources and capabilities they have in order to respond to, and effect, change in their community. The Possible Futures Lab of the Information Security Group at Royal Holloway University of London originally developed the toolkit to assist grassroots co-creation in the community of Pallion, Sunderland. They have made their toolkits available to others to adapt.

The Digital Engagement Guide

Champion CHAMPION:
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This web-based resource contains ideas and practical help to use digital and social media in the public sector. It is organised by techniwues, strategies, examples, and (user generated) questions. This resource can assist governments with service delivery and stakeholder engagement. The publisher's main website also contains other resources for online communication.

Open Policy Making Toolkit

Hero HERO:
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The publisher defines Open Policy Making as developing and delivering policy in a fast-paced and increasingly networked and digital world through collaborative approaches, new analytical techniques, and testing and iteratively improving policy. The manual includes information about Open Policy Making in the United Kingdom government as well as tools, step-by-step guidance and techniques policy makers can use to create more open and user led policy.

​Implementing Innovation: A User’s Manual for Open Government Programs

Hero HERO:
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A hands-on resource that provides practical advice, guidance, and an 8-phase process from concept development to implementation for building an open government program, with each step referencing principles, lessons learned, case studies, and a checklist for determining whether you are at the right phase. This resource complements Open Government Partnership Action Plans and and was developed as part of a year-long project with the Mexican government.

Participatory Budgeting Scoping Toolkit

This toolkit is for officials and staff at governments and institutions that are interested in launching a participatory budgeting process. Its purpose is to build understanding of what it takes to start a participatory budgeting process and how to lay a foundation for success. It answers the questions: How does a typical PB process work? What are the impacts of PB? What budgets can be used for PB? What staffing and other resources are needed to implement PB? How do I get started?

A to Z of Engagement Techniques

A collection of 55 different public/stakeholder engagement techniques, including an assessment of difficulty, engagement level, cost, when might be used, how many people might be needed to run, timeframes, innovation level and a step by step guide for using each.

Project Open Data

Hero HERO:
Editable source files available
A collection of code, tools, and case studies to help United States federal agencies adopt the Open Data Policy and unlock the potential of government data. This project is meant to be a living document, so that collaboration in the open data ecosystem is fostered, and the continual update of technology pieces that affect update can happen at a more rapid pace. Edits to the content may be made by anyone. It could provide other governments with examples and starter content for its own open data…