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An official website of the OECD. Find out more
Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

How to validate authenticity

Validation that this is an official OECD website can be found on the Innovative Government page of the corporate OECD website.


Legal Design Toolbox

This is a set of resources for designers who are approaching legal challenges with a creative, generative, human-centered approach. The toolbox provides guides, tools, and examples to help you scope & tackle these challenges with design. It includes a Legal Communication Design Toolbox, a Legal Design Pattern Library, and a Legal Product Typology. It covers policy prototyping, visual design, and data visualisation.

Evaluating Innovation Toolkit

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This resource is a series of tools to help clarify, plan, collect, and use data, information and evidence to evaluate an innovation as well as spread the learnings and results. It is intended to be used throughout a project to incorporate evaluative and intentional processes and feedback loops.

BigPolicyCanvas Knowledge Base

This is a knowledge base containing existing societal and public sector needs, emerging trends, methods, tools, technologies and applications. They are filterable by asset type, need, and type of trend.

Recursero de Evaluación

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This tool is a condensed version of the Agile Evalution kit. It contains the key graphs and principles, including the Argentinian government's model on the lifecycle of innovation (Planificacion, Monitoreo, Evaluacion), theory of chain explanation, proposed learning modules, a Logic Model matrix of indicators, and several lists of evaluation questions.

The Better Government Toolkit

Hero HERO:
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The Better Government Toolkit provides resources to build a better government through innovation. It focuses on four areas/verticals: Build a 21st Century Culture and Workforce, Improve Government Services Delivery, Solve Complex Problems, Collaborate with Innovators. It includes case studies within the United States Government. Each tool includes approach, actions and considerations, glossary of terms, related policies, and related resources.

Smarter Crowdsourcing for Anti-corruption

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This guidance contains 13 implementation plans laying out practical ways to address corruption. It is divided into 6 issue areas, each with an overview of the problem as well as solutions. The plans emerged from “Smarter Crowdsourcing Anti-Corruption” (2017). The Smarter Crowdsourcing method is an agile process, which begins with problem definition followed by online sourcing of global expertise to surface innovative ideas and then turns them into practical implementation plans. This…

Exploring Policy Innovation: Tools, Techniques & Approaches

This resource is an introductory description of a paradigmatic shift in public policy-making from traditional methods to new, innovative approaches. This includes a whole-of-government approach, a refocus on the user, an embrace of complexity, pro-activeness, and collaboration. It describes 7 opportunity areas for innovation in the traditional policy-making process.

Spreading Innovation

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The National Centre for Public Sector Innovation in Denmark has developed this guide to help public sector workplaces share their own innovations and reuse others. It is relevant for anyone who wants to collaborate on spreading an innovation from one context to another. The guide consists of six steps with recommended actions to take and associated tools that help structure the dialogue throughout the process.

EAST: Four Simple Ways to Apply Behavioural Insights

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EAST is a framework and summary of the Behavioural Insights Team's knowledge of behavioural science, developed for busy policymakers. It is based around principles of making actions Easy, Attractive, Social and Timely (EAST) applied to a 4-step process: 1. Define the outcome, Understand the context, Build your intervention, and Test, learn, adapt. It is a more simplified version of the publisher's prior MINDSPACE framework. The resource includes overall guidance and case studies.

OGP’s Participation and Co-creation Toolkit: From usual suspects to business as usual

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This resource describes open government good practices and presents them to encourage further adoption and innovation. The publisher's goal is to help government reformers and civil society partners in improving the quality and output of co-creation processes across the Open Government Partnership (OGP). The resource was created to aid OGP partners but is applicable to others interested in open government. The Toolkit contains content organised in a Question & Answer format, a matrix of…