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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Challenge Prizes: A Practice Guide

Basic BASIC:
Allows reuse
Challenge Prizes: A practice guide provides practical guidance and support to help explore challenge prizes and offers guidance on designing and running a challenge prize. The resource covers what challenge prizes are, guidance on deciding whether a challenge prize is right for your situation, and scoping and planning a prize--including a Challenge Prize Design Worksheet and Challenge Prize Schedule Worksheet.

Challenge and Prize Toolkit

Hero HERO:
Editable source files available
Information and resources to guide United States federal employees working on challenges and prizes. It includes guidance on each challenge phase, from preparation to execution and also provides guidance on different types of challenges. It includes case studies and a list of resources for more detailed guidance and support.

A Field Guide to Ethnographic Experiential Futures

Champion CHAMPION:
Can be remixed
Ethnographic Experiential Futures, is a protocol for surfacing and documenting existing images of the future. It combines Ethnographic futures research, EFR, a protocol for surfacing and documenting existing images of the future. Experiential futures, XF, is a family of approaches for vivid multisensory, transmedia, and diegetic representations of images of the future. The hybrid approach puts together two modes of futures research and practice in a step-by-step guide. Its intent is to help…

There may be zombies: A Field Guide to Strategic Foresight

Champion CHAMPION:
Can be remixed
This Field Guide is designed to support new-to-foresight practitioners in incorporating future thinking and foresight into everyday projects. In addition to describing methods (including purpose, pros, cons and considerations for each), it also provides guidance on how to advocate for a foresight related project or approach in your organistion, cultivate a futures/foresight mindset, and build a team. The ""zombies" referenced represent an unexpected and unlikely event for humanity. Stories about…

Catalyzing public sector innovation

This resource covers five key roles in a public innovation ecosystem: Problem Solver, Enabler, Motivator, Convener, and Integrator. For public administrations wanting to make an impact on a societal challenge, it helps identify where to start, and how the administration fits in with other actors already focused on the same or similar challenges. By understanding which of these five roles to assume when launching an initiative, organisations may be able to more effectively deploy their resources,…

Foresight Training Manual

This guide is a facilitation toolkit for staff at Horizons and others interested in practising the Horizons Foresight Method in their own organizations. Its aims are to build foresight literacy in general, to explain the Horizons Foresight Method in particular, and to build capacity for horizon scanning in the Canadian federal government and other organizations. It provides a detailed description of concepts and processes, divided into 6 modules. Modules include facilitation guides, tip sheets,…