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E.I.T.A! Recife – From promoting open innovation to the solutions marketplace

The City of Recife, like any city, faces the challenge of solving complex problems, however, there was difficulty in identifying them and finding effective solutions. The opportunity then arose to encourage open innovation in the city and involve the community in the development of solutions. Innovation lies in how to identify these problems, transform them into challenges and how to buy something new from a public body to solve these challenges. EITA Recife brings together the City Hall secretariats to hold works workshops and identify solutions. In the first cycle, 69 problems were identified across a range of areas. The innovative solutions helped to adequately reallocate part of the municipal budget, both in health and infrastructure, and affected at least 40.1% of the population in the process of improving the solutions.


Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

The City of Recife, like any city, faces the challenge of solving complex problems in its various departments and public companies on a daily basis, however, there was difficulty in identifying them and finding effective solutions. The opportunity then arose to encourage open innovation in the city and involve the community in the development of solutions. For this, EITA Recife was created: the transformation and open innovation squad. Since the creation of EITA Recife, a profound process of cultural transformation is being carried out between City Hall secretariats in order to change the paradigm of how to carry out open innovation in the public service. In the First Cycle, 69 problems was identified by the secretariats in the workshops. An example of a real problems that was worked e solved by EITA are: the problem of long queues at health centers in the city of Recife and problem of sedentary lifestyle among citizens. E.I.T.A! Recife is a cutting-edge movement created to promote a cultural transformation in public service, focuses on the two innovation tracks that make up E.I.T.A! Recife: the Open Innovation Cycle and E.I.T.A! Labs. The Open Innovation Cycle identifies public problems and seeks disruptive solutions, promoting cooperation between the public and private sectors to address societal challenges and stimulate the national innovation and technology ecosystem. E.I.T.A! Labs is a regulatory sandbox segment of E.I.T.A! Recife. It consists of an initiative to relax rules and adapt regulations to engage the technology and innovation ecosystem in experimenting with private products and services directly with citizens. In any Open Innovation process, the premise is a good technique for involving experts and all areas involved to identify and prioritize problems. EITA Recife implemented Design Thinking methods to involve all, including the citizens. Recife was the first city in Brazil to run an open innovation cycle, using the Legal Framework for Startups. Furthermore, it was the first capital to sign the first public innovation solution contract (CPSI), and the first city in Brazil to sign 6 CPSIs at once, arising from an open innovation cycle. In efficiency there was no increase in expenses with Information Technology for the Municipality. In efficacy, resulted in a success rate corresponding to 66.7%. In effectiveness, 4 solutions received a contribution of R$ 3.5 million. In a practical way, the innovative solutions helped to adequately reallocate R$10.2 million of the municipal budget, both in health and infrastructure, and affected at least 40.1% of the population in the process of improving the solutions.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

The use of agile techniques to implement a public policy of open innovation. To do this, we use John Kotter's 8 steps for change and culture management. Another fundamental idea was the instantiated Design Thinking method to identify public challenges, including the unprecedented creation of CANVA for the public challenge. The way to contract innovative solutions, carrying out a different, disruptive and unprecedented tender in the country using the legal framework for startups (Recife was the first capital to sign the first public innovation solution contract (CPSI), and the first city in Brazil to sign 6 CPSIs at once). The creation of a living labs as a space for urban experiments (regulatory sandbox). And finally, EMPREL's model of strategic partnerships with the products generated. Promoting new business, enabling the creation of EMPREL's Market Place with he products generated in the innovation cycles, making the model self-sustainable.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

The program covers all employees of the direct and indirect Administration of Recife City Hall, in addition to the entire national innovation ecosystem. In this sense, we can highlight technology parks, startups, public and private companies, other public bodies, universities, colleges, students, entrepreneurs.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

Public Servants, in addition to the national innovation ecosystem: technology parks, startups, public and private companies, public bodies, universities, colleges, students and entrepreneurs. On the other hand, we have the citizens, who suffer from various problems in the city and want solutions. Thus, E.I.T.A! Recife's mission is to create an environment conducive to connections, solving citizens' desire to solve problems and the innovation ecosystem to generate new innovation products.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

In efficiency there was no increase in expenses with Information Technology for the Municipality. In efficacy, resulted in a success rate corresponding to 66.7%. In effectiveness, 4 solutions received a contribution of R$ 3.5 million. In a practical way, the innovative solutions helped to adequately reallocate R$10.2 million of the municipal budget, both in health and infrastructure, and affected at least 40.1% of the population in the process of improving the solutions. For example, we have 664,900 people as a result of the indicator of end users affected by the solutions of the 1st Open Innovation Cycle. In addition to all this, we reduce process time by 70% and MVP cost by 83%.

Challenges and Failures

  1. Server adherence: we follow a theory of John Kotter's 8 steps
  2. Legal instruments: to overcome this barrier, we started with the creation of the Digital Transformation Strategy Decree. We also published an open innovation policy and the Recife Legal Framework for Science, Technology and Innovation.
  3. Fundraising: through the change management mentioned above, we obtained the sponsorship of senior management and a budget highlight of around R$5 million to run the first cycle.
  4. Mobilization of the ecosystem
  5. Security: we use the Open Data Portal
  6. Confidentiality guarantee: we develop a confidentiality agreement that is signed between the parties
  7. Intellectual Property: we have developed an intellectual co-ownership agreement

Conditions for Success

  1. Strong sponsorship that believes in the project and encourages it in every way.
  2. Expertise and experience of the employees who are leading EITA Recife.
  3. Have followed a change management process.
  4. Team empowerment, adopting a matrix and non-hierarchical model.
  5. Count on a network of partners.
  6. Recife is an innovative capital and has an ecosystem conducive to innovation.
  7. The existence of EMPREL, a public company that guarantees more flexibility in the hiring process.
  8. Control bodies that also implement innovation and have a different perspective on this issue (TCE with Prisma Labs and MPPE with MPLabs).


In recent months we have received visits from various bodies and made presentations at events (more than 100), such as: BH, Rio, Vitória, São Paulo, Curitiba, Pré South Summit, RIW, among others. Furthermore, at the Public Procurement of Innovation event, led by TCU, the Recife Case was endorsed as a good practice in using the Legal Framework for Startups. From these visits and all the innovation that was implemented by EITA Recife, we created a replication model to be used by other cities. Thus, a new business model was established that allows Emprel to train other bodies and city halls. We also created a model for Design Thinking methodologies that are being replicated by the judiciary and was duly presented in AGILE Trends.

Lessons Learned

  1. Before starting an open innovation process, establish a culture change process.
  2. To that end, establish a clear vision for your change and communicate that vision.
  3. Therefore, it is important to have high sponsorship.
  4. Be agile. Establish a guideline, a minimum plan and get started. In other words, think big, start small and move fast.
  5. Follow agile strategy and planning and execute. We use OKR.
  6. Allow mistakes, however, make mistakes quickly and correct them quickly. Failures are also an opportunity to learn.
  7. Always institutionalize your approaches, whether with decrees, policies or laws.
  8. Keep it simple. Less is more. We used tools that everyone already used and did not create barriers with this.

Anything Else?

EITA Recife is completely citizen-centered. We often use the following motto on our team: Let's do away with "self-centrism" and embrace "citizen-centrism." The mission of digital transformation is: Simplify people's relationship with the city of Recife. For this, the process of EITA Recife reduced the average time to identify challenges and launch on one of the tracks by around 70% and saved more than 83% in the value of MVP's. This program has already received 18 national and international awards, highlighting the award for best global digital transformation team from Apolitical. For more information:,, e

Project Pitch

Supporting Videos

Year: 2020
Level of Government: Regional/State government


Innovation provided by:

Date Published:

5 June 2024

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