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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Empowering local deaf youth

This innovation involves local deaf youth into public affairs. It crates an easy to apply model of creating bulgarian sign language content for every public or pirvate entity, improving access to information and services for people with disabilities.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

As of 21st of January 2021 the Bulgarian Sign Language was officially recognized and for the first time ever the Bulgarian Deaf community had the opportunity to advocate for equal access to information, communication and education. As of 1st of January 2023 it is mandatory for every single institution on local and national level to provide access to Deaf people as users of Bulgarian sign language. Currently, Municipality of Burgas strives to modernize their own website with a section in Bulgarian Sign Language. However, the local Deaf community lacked full-time employed Sign Language specialists in the region. The current project aims to pilot innovative empowerment of local Deaf specialists with focus on high-quality creation of Bulgarian Sign Language resources and interpreting. The purpose of the current project is to create high quality Bulgarian Sign Language videos which to be uploaded on the website of the Municipality of Burgas. We aim to improve the access to information and public services for Bulgarian sign language users - Deaf and hard of hearing people as it will increase social awareness to accessibility needs and solutions in the Municipality of Burgas. Furthermore, this project will act as a showcase for many other municipalities, which face similar challenges and thus would lead to efficient empowerment as it will fully eradicate the so-long patronizing policies toward the Deaf people over the past decades.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

The main goal of the project is to make the content of the official Municipality of Burgas website available in Bulgarian Sign language. This will improve the access to information and public services to the target group thus improving their opportunities to participate in public life and will increase their trust in Bulgarian public administration. Local Deaf people will be empowered and turn into local Bulgarian Sign Language specialists. The capacity of municipal staff in relation to provision of equal opportunities for people with disabilities will be upgraded. The general public in Burgas will learn more about the Bulgarian Deaf community and the Bulgarian sign language. Quality of municipal services will be improved and will become as a showcase of high-quality inclusion of Deaf people.

What is the current status of your innovation?

In Progress. More precisely:

  • Setting up a dedicated section on the municipal website for equal opportunities for people with disabilities: done.
    Selection of topics and preparation and editing of articles to be provided in Bulgarian Sign Language: done.
  • Select two local Deaf community Bulgarian Sign language users who will be responsible for creation of high-quality videos: done.
  • Provide three day training to 2 local from Burgas Deaf to-be Sign language specialists in Sofia: done.
  • Consult and finalize the scope of the content which will be created in Bulgarian Sign language: done.
  • Shooting and editing videos with the trained 2 local from Burgas Deaf Signers at a professional Deaf Video Studio in Sofia with the support of experienced Deaf professionals in creation of Bulgarian Sign language videos. Finish the recording and editing of the videos within 3 months after grant approval - depending on holidays for Easter, Labor day and Bulgarian Alphabet day: about to be completed.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

The Municipality of Burgas provided the idea to use sign language to the official website, the content, the hosting, other expenses, technical support, media strategy and coverage, etc. The "Listen up" foundation provided expertise, studio, tuition, contacts in the Deaf community.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

The project aims to promote the Bulgarian Sign Language as a recognized language within the Municipality of Burgas municipality and turn it into a barrier free and fully inclusive institution to all sign language users, either local or visitors. . Apart from access to information and services, the current project will raise the trust and the image of institutions to the Deaf community and the people with disabilities in general. In addition, the project aims to turn into a showcase model for sus

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

In a very authentic and grass-root way, Deaf people and Bulgarian Sign Language will become more visible in the region as they will not be part of the project only, but also will build their advocacy skills as they will build confidence to sustain the Bulgarian Sign language services in the region of Burgas. The implementation of the project will prevent the process of provision of equal opportunities for people with disabilities to be paused due to the lack of budget and resources available. Also, deaf empowerment will bring for increased inclusive and diverse employment opportunities as it will improve the image of the Municipality of Burgas, which will turn into a long-term ambassador of the local Deaf community members through respecti

Challenges and Failures

The main challenge is the lack and late arrival of money. As a result activities were postponed for certain periods. This made the agendas of all partners mixed and impossible. Another challenge is picking up the content and the timeline to create the videos' sequence. Since, this is a pilot project we experience bad cost predictions. E.g. the studio time is much longer than planned.

Conditions for Success

Sign language specialists are fundamental. Money are key factor, as well. Media coverage and raising knowledge and awareness of wide public is also a factor for spreading out the project and finding key advocates.


Not yet, but since it is a showcase model it is meant to be replicated to other cities. Right now the first implementation is not finished yet.

Lessons Learned

  • Working in favour of society will not always be supported and innovations are not well accepted in government generally!
  • Planning and budgeting are just as important as great ideas.

Anything Else?

The project is a showcase model for public-private partnership aimed at implementing social innovations in favour of society.

Year: 2022
Level of Government: Local government


  • Identifying or Discovering Problems or Opportunities - learning where and how an innovative response is needed
  • Generating Ideas or Designing Solutions - finding and filtering ideas to respond to the problem or opportunity
  • Developing Proposals - turning ideas into business cases that can be assessed and acted on
  • Implementation - making the innovation happen

Innovation provided by:

Date Published:

27 June 2024

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