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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Recursero de Evaluación

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This tool is a condensed version of the Agile Evalution kit. It contains the key graphs and principles, including the Argentinian government's model on the lifecycle of innovation (Planificacion, Monitoreo, Evaluacion), theory of chain explanation, proposed learning modules, a Logic Model matrix of indicators, and several lists of evaluation questions.

A Changemaker’s Guide to Storytelling

This resource includes a method and guidance for developing and getting comfortable with storytelling to engage your audience and collaborators in your project. It includes an 8 step process to developing and creating a "sticky" story to inspire and persuade others into action. It includes a downloadable guide with examples and tips and tricks as well as a checklist for evaluating your story.

The Cynefin Mini-Book

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This mini-book is based around the Cynefin framework, a contexutalisation and sense-making framework developed by Dave Snowden. The resource provides an overview of the Cynefin framework and use of narrative research, guidance and a tool for developing shared sense-making, and tools and guidance for developing a portfolio of experiments for different types of problems, distinguishing between complicated and complex problems. The publisher requires a free login in exchange for downloading the…

Data Collaboratives Canvas

Champion CHAMPION:
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The term data collaborative refers to a new form of collaboration, beyond the public-private partnership model, in which participants from different sectors — including private companies, research institutions, and government agencies — can exchange data to help solve public problems. This resource outlines 8 Phases for designing and implementing a data collaborative (partnership) at an institutional level. The online resource includes examples, enablers, tools, and resources for…

Cómo podemos resolver problemas públicos a través de Concursos de Innovación Abierta?

Champion CHAMPION:
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These guides, created by the Government Laboratory, systematize the best experiences and learning generated by servers and public institutions in recent years. These tools of support and permanent consultation, are designed so that the different organisms of the State can develop innovation processes with a view from the user, that allows to generate services and solutions more connected with their needs. There are two options: Contests and Projects.

EAST: Four Simple Ways to Apply Behavioural Insights

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EAST is a framework and summary of the Behavioural Insights Team's knowledge of behavioural science, developed for busy policymakers. It is based around principles of making actions Easy, Attractive, Social and Timely (EAST) applied to a 4-step process: 1. Define the outcome, Understand the context, Build your intervention, and Test, learn, adapt. It is a more simplified version of the publisher's prior MINDSPACE framework. The resource includes overall guidance and case studies.

Exploring Policy Innovation: Tools, Techniques & Approaches

This resource is an introductory description of a paradigmatic shift in public policy-making from traditional methods to new, innovative approaches. This includes a whole-of-government approach, a refocus on the user, an embrace of complexity, pro-activeness, and collaboration. It describes 7 opportunity areas for innovation in the traditional policy-making process.

Systems Practice Workbook

Champion CHAMPION:
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This resource walks you through a systems practice, and describes process phases (Launch, Gain Clarity, Find Leverage, Act Strategically, and Learn and Adapt) and methods for guiding the practice. This resource has been developed in collaboration with teams across The Omidyar Group. This workbook aims to fill the gap between the promise of a systems approach for making social change and putting it into practice. It was created alongside curriculum as part of a paid course. For each method,…

Spreading Innovation

Hero HERO:
Editable source files available
The National Centre for Public Sector Innovation in Denmark has developed this guide to help public sector workplaces share their own innovations and reuse others. It is relevant for anyone who wants to collaborate on spreading an innovation from one context to another. The guide consists of six steps with recommended actions to take and associated tools that help structure the dialogue throughout the process.