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The AI4GOV Toolkit is aimed at fostering a human-centered and systemic perspective towards the development of public services that integrate artificial intelligence in a meaningful way. The toolkit offers a methodology and specific tools for the application of AI in real public sector projects aimed at solving societal needs, considering technology not as an end but as a means for reaching wider strategic objectives. The tools within this toolkit span throughout four main phases of the design process: (i) Context analysis, (ii) Envisioning solutions, (iii) Idea development, (iv) Testing, and also provide prototyping tools that can be transversal to those phases. Each tool is paired with a canvas, giving a short description and instructions about how to use it, an example, and an accompanying blank template (in Miro) to be completed.

The AI4GOV Toolkit is intended for anyone who works with complex problems related to the development of AI systems and wants to ensure a systemic and human-centered perspective in envisioning solutions. It is intended for service, UX, and system designers, AI developers willing to explore new approaches and broaden their views, but has intentionally been made to be accessible also for novices in service design and AI fields, such as members of public administrations.

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