Innovative response
The London Office of Technology and Innovation (LOTI) is working to help local government teams across London to share resources and collaborate remotely during the COVID19 crisis.
They are co-ordinating a 'Borough Initiatives and Needs' database across London, a document that allows different local teams from across London's boroughs to share their work and good practice.
It takes the form of a document open to any and all who wish to share/add details and links to help LOTI better understand the pan-London efforts in response to Covid-19.
Specific issues addressed and anticipated impact
Local government are facing particular challenges in the systematic responses from the State to the coronavirus outbreak. This platform will allow local bodies within London to share their most innovative practices, that may provide useful insights and examples for others to build on.
Organisations/institutions involved
London Office of Technology and Innovation (LOTI)
- Local government
Issues being addressed:
- Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal)
Date Submitted:
30 March 2020