The City of London Corporation and the Financial Conduct Authority are collaborating on a Digital Sandbox Pilot to support financial services innovation that responds to the challenges of Covid-19. The pilot trials features in a digital testing environment that support early stage technology development and quicker innovation.
The pilot is open to technology solutions that address one of three key challenges exacerbated by Covid-19: preventing fraud and scams, assisting the financial resilience…
COVID-19 Innovative Response Tracker
Search and filter through innovative COVID-19 solutions from around the world
This website, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.
COVID-19 has put a spotlight on the importance of data infrastructure to ensure effective data sharing (data quality, validation, matching, use of identifiers), as well as the effectiveness of using digital tools and practices to deliver important, cross-government services. As part of the UK government’s response to the pandemic, five government departments came together to set up a National Shielding Service to deliver care and food supplies to approximately 2.2m people in England who were…
Covid-19 Response
The UK’s Lottery Fund has created an Emerging Futures Fund for civil society projects for the…
The National Lottery UK's Community Fund has created the 'Emerging Future Fund', to help communities move towards recovery and renewal after the impact of COVID-19, and draw on all the creativity we've seen in communities and across civil society.
As such, they have set up a UK-wide fund of GBP 1 million, with individual grants ranging between GBP 20,000 - 50,000, for organisations to look at how things are changing, what is needed in this transition, and what is possible in the future.
Covid-19 Response
Cambridge University (UK) students organise #CamvsCovid hackathon for small local businesses
MPhil students from Cambridge University organised a hackathon, #CamvsCovid, to seek solutions to problems stemming from COVID-19. Entries focused on local shops, the virtual shopping experience and remote health diagnostics.
Each team entering the event had 72 hours to draft its response to a pressing problem by video and text, and their 750-word text solution went through a juried review process. All the 750-word solutions, which totaled 11 entries, are being assembled into a portfolio.
​​​Crowdless is helping people make informed decisions and navigate more safely as they carry out their essential tasks, providing real-time live data on the busyness of essential places that people need to visit, such as supermarkets and pharmacies thanks to combination of existing data sources and crowdsourced data to ensure that users have real-time information on how crowded places are.
Data dashboard and Visualisation of COVID-19 data.
Bristol, UK, has decided to to transform parts of the historic Old City area into fully pedestrianised zones. Plans are being drawn up to widen pavements and improve cycle routes through Bristol too on other roads.
Some historic streets like Corn Street, St Nicholas Street and Small Street are due to be pedestrianised. Also, Bristol Bridge is to be closed to motor traffic apart from public transport, taxis and motorcyles.
The idea is to orientate the city both for the present and the…
The National Health Services open source API allows users to syndicate constantly updated COVID-19 data on their site.
Covid-19 Response
Telescope: collaborative programmes supporting policymakers and frontline staff to #buildbackbetter
At Telescope, we connect policymakers with those working on the frontline, using innovation thinking tools to encourage inclusive and collaborative policymaking. We love seeing the connections and ideas sparked by bringing people together and the benefits for policymakers of learning about frontline challenges first hand.
But when the whole world is in isolation, that isn’t so easy.
The COVID-19 crisis needs us to find new ways of delivering critical services. Now more than ever, frontline…
The Coronavirus Tech Handbook is a crowdsourced library of tools, services and resources relating to COVID-19 response. It is a rapidly evolving resource with thousands of expert contributors.