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Australian Government COVID-19 digital information products

Innovative response

The Australian Government is preparing a suite of citizen-facing digital information products and services, amongst other measures being taken to address the health and economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. To date, these include: a national website ( with regular information updates, a mobile application, a voluntary self-isolation reporting service, and a WhatsApp advice channel.

As a federal state, Australia is coordinating a national response to the pandemic across jurisdictions through a National Cabinet governance process. The national website ( has been reinvigorated during the crisis to provide a key central information coordination mechanism across the Commonwealth (federal) and State and Territory governments.

Specific issues addressed and anticipated impact

These digital information products provide the Australian public with up-to-date official guidance and advice on the pandemic and Government's response, across a range of channels. This ensures consistent and authoritative information is available for people in a format and time most convenient for them. The services also support Government's efforts to manage the public health impacts of the pandemic.

Organisations/institutions involved

Australian Government agencies and private sector information technology companies

Potential issues

Regular updates to these products are released, reflecting the rapidly evolving nature of the pandemic and Government's response, and ensuring information for the general public is timely and effective.

Relevant URL(s):

Level(s) of government:
  • National/Federal government

Issues being addressed:

  • Patient care
  • Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal)
  • Governance responses
  • Real-time data collection, sharing, and analysis
  • Public service delivery under new circumstances

Date Submitted:

7 April 2020