Innovative response
The Incentive System for Innovation in Public Management (SIIGeP) is a programme which aims at enabling the innovation capacity in human resources, to improve the work environment and the development of management models. The coordination of the programme is held between AMA, INA (National Institute of Administration) and DGAEP (Directorate General for Administration and Public Employment). In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, through the Order No 3614-D/2020, # 11 SIIGeP was entrusted to:
o The development of guides, guidelines and other practical support instruments new management models and new forms of work organisation, including teleworking;
o The promotion of innovative management, leadership and work organization practices, integrated in an action plan for innovation;
o The dissemination of information to the Public Administration that provides the necessary framework for the activity of services and workers in new work environments;
o The permanent analysis of the contents made available in order to ensure their coherence, accuracy and timeliness;
o The reinforcement of remote training for the Public Administration, in articulation with universities with a specific training offer for the current context.
Specific issues addressed and anticipated impact
Aiding public administration in adapting to the current context
Organisations/institutions involved
Administrative Modernisation Agency, National Institute of Administration (INA), Directorate General for Administration and Public Employment (DGAEP)
- National/Federal government
Issues being addressed:
- Public service delivery under new circumstances
Response tags:
Adaptive ActionDate Submitted:
8 April 2020