Innovative response
#SmartNationTogether is a joint effort between the Singapore Government and Smart Nation Ambassadors, consisting of community and corporate volunteers. Since #SmartNationTogether was launched in June 2020, more than 70 unique programmes have been presented by 40 partners with more than 6,000 participants engaged. It has also built a following of more than 12,000. Facebook engagement on #SmartNationTogether has also achieved more than 600 “likes” since Jun 2020.
Specific issues addressed and anticipated impact
With safe distancing measures restricting the conduct of physical events, Singapore’s Smart Nation & Digital Government Office launched an online initiative titled #SmartNationTogether in June 2020 to engage and equip citizens with the relevant skills and mindsets to utilise technology to overcome COVID-19 disruptions to lives and jobs.
#SmartNationTogether online programmes are curated for children, youth and young parents; working adults and seniors, with specific objectives for each audience segment. For example, programmes for children, youth and young parents, aim to build early interest and mindshare on Smart Nation and technology. Programmes for working adults aim to alleviate fear of being displaced by technology and heighten awareness of the jobs and opportunities of a digital future. Programmes for seniors aim to drive excitement and adoption of Singapore’s Smart Nation projects.
Organisations/institutions involved
Smart Nation and Digital Government Office, People's Association