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The Civil Service Innovation Program (Gov4SAA)

The Office of the Prime Minister of the Government of Kosovo, together with GIZ in Kosovo and Innovation Centre Kosovo (ICK) have developed the Civil Service Innovation Program for Implementation of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (Gov4SAA). The program enables civil servants to identify a challenge and then design a solution in the form of innovative products or services to be used by citizens, government, and other relevant stakeholders.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

Kosovo and the EU established contractual relations with the entry into force of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) on 1 April 2016. The Stabilisation and Association Process (SAP) is the European Union's policy towards the Western Balkans, established with the aim of eventual EU membership. Western Balkan countries are involved in a progressive partnership with a view of stabilizing the region and establishing a free-trade area. While during the last few years, Kosovo made considerable progress to the EU, much more remains to be done in terms of implementing the reforms required with the SAA. In response to the implementation of the SAA, the Gov4SAA program was initiated in 2021. The program aims to support ideas for public services which contribute to the implementation of the SAA between Kosovo and the EU. Civil servants will identify a challenge and then design a solution in the form of a product or service to be used by citizens, government, and other relevant stakeholders.

Main objectives of the program are: 1) Promote a culture of entrepreneurship in public institutions in the context of EU integration by encouraging innovative ideas and a problem-solving approach to SAA reforms; 2) Promote capacity-building of public institutions in implementation of SAA reforms through practice-oriented mentoring and coaching; 3)Promote cooperation between public institutions, private sector, CSOs and other stakeholders in implementation of SAA reforms through innovative products in support of policy implementation.

The program foresees two phases. The first phase which is currently being implemented, benefits the government officials from 5 government institutions (central and local level) with capacity building measures, networking, and exposure to start-up mindset. During this phase, these 5 teams are developing their prototypes of the products/services identified. The second phase foresees bringing to life these products/services designed by the civil servants and potential financing, benefiting government officials, citizens, job seekers, businesses, CSOs, educators, parents & kids, and tourists. Once finalized, the teams will pitch their projects in front of the jury, in a startup format. Up to 5 final projects will be financed by GIZ.

The first and second stage of the program will be led by the Government of Kosovo, supported by a non governmental organization (Innovation Centre Kosovo) and financed by GIZ. The lessons learned from the implementation of the program will serve as a basis for the Government of Kosovo to institutionalize innovation & digitalization within the Government civil service structures. Hence, the program foresees a big impact and scale for the future, introducing new initiatives coming from the Government of Kosovo and its civil servants in regards to new methods such as: user-centered research, early-stage testing and agile development for their projects, digital transparency and other methods to increase their capacities. The program consisted of a call for application open to more than 20,000 civil servants, intensive information sessions, pre-selection and pitching of 8 teams, and selection of 5 finalist teams. These teams are exposed to different methods and tools consisting of:

1) Intensive Incubation Program (Participation on workshops and meetings with the technical experts);

2) Methodical and technical support;

3) Personal development (Training, practice and development of soft skills);

4) Ability to establish contacts (Access to experts);

5) PR and communication (Media exposure and assistance in communication with stakeholders);

6) Working space, outside of Government premises to stimulate startup mindset;

7) Financing of ideas after completion of incubation program.

During the initiation and design of the Gov4SAA program, several models were consulted from the region and beyond. It was adapted to the needs and conditions of the Kosovo public service environment.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

Gov4SAA program is an innovation since:

1) It is the first and only program in Kosovo that has engaged civil servants to think and work with new innovative methods to contribute to the SAA;

2) Makes it possible for civil servants' ideas to come to life by using human centered design methodology. Most of the ideas getting implemented come from bottom down, not the bottom-up approach;

3) It engages technology, digital solutions and innovation;

4) It connects the government sector to entrepreneurship mindset;

5) Reinforces the collaboration between different institutions.

What is the current status of your innovation?

In September 2022, the Program was at the pilot stage. The teams were developing their solutions (products and services), working with mentors and experts and using tools: project management tools (online software), research tools (surveys, questionnaires, interviews), participating in workshops (design thinking, site visits to companies to get a feeling of startup mindset). The previous to get ready to present their prototypes in a Demo Day and be evaluated by a jury and will receive financing to bring these ideas to life.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

The design and the launch of the program was done jointly between the Government of Kosovo, civil society organizations, international donors and incubator labs. The pilot will establish a long term cooperation between the central level (Government of Kosovo), local level (Municipalities) and non-governmental organizations. The ownership of the products/services developed will belong to the Government of Kosovo.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

The teams are working on 5 solutions which except to have the following results:

1. Government officials will have access to digital information

2. Job seekers have access to sector information and businesses have access to information on profile availability of job seekers

3. Citizens will be able to have access to information about unsafe products and file complaints

4. Educators, parents, kids and citizens will have access to the platform for road safety awareness

5. Tourists will have information on tourists attractions and services in the Municipality.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

Since the pilot program is currently being implemented, the main results and achievements include: 20,000 civil servants had the opportunity to participate in the open call for innovation in the Government; 8 teams consisting of 40 civil servants were shortlisted and trained to pitch for their projects; 5 teams consisting of 20 civil servant are going through the incubation program and are being mentored by the best in country policy and digital experts; 35 % gender balance reached out of 20 participants (from 5 teams); Increased internal capacities of civil servants to incorporate new innovative methods and tools; Improved team collaboration and knowledge building; Future impacts: Improved responsiveness of public institutions to complex policy challenges related to SAA reforms; Turning rough ideas into tested prototypes that are ready to be implemented and ultimately scaled up; Improved compliance with European standards and best practices in key areas under the SAA.

Challenges and Failures

The program faced some initial challenges:

1) Most of the civil servants were hesitant to get involved in the program and underestimated their position for innovative solutions within their departments.

2) Civil servants were skeptical about their availability for participation in the program, due to their workload in their institution.

3) The political developments in the country hindered the importance and prioritization of the program among the high level government officials.

To mitigate these challenges, the program implemented mitigation measures such as: Held information sessions open to all civil servants, individual meeting with mid and senior management level to promote the importance of participation in the program, provided individual assistance to potential participants, and implemented a social media campaign with clear instructions on the benefits of participation in the program.

Conditions for Success

The support coming from the Office of the Prime Minister of Kosovo remains a key condition for a smooth implementation and also for motivating upcoming civil servants to apply to this project. Other conditions that will make the program successful include: Leadership from mentors, experts to lead the teams towards their final products/services which will contribute to SAA implementation and having in mind the final beneficiaries of these solutions. With the second stage of the projects, we foresee a much higher interest of civil servants, considering also the results and successes of the first stage pilot project.


This solution will be replicated in the second stage of this program, with more civil servants joining the program while solving challenges in other sectors. The program can serve as a good practice for all Western Balkan countries as they are all undergoing an effort to implement necessary reform for membership in the European Union. This goes also beyond the region, since the program has already been promoted to other GIZ partner institutions in the MENA region.

The replication model can be modified to capture other challenges and sectors specifically, where civil servants can work with startups and corporations to address specific challenges: health-tech, edu-tech; green & sustainability; fintech etc.

Lessons Learned

Being the only program addressing innovation in the public sector in Kosovo, is itself a learning innovative experience. Within this program, we learned that civil servants have ideas but they don’t have the necessary platforms where to state and elaborate those ideas. The selection of tools and methods for promoting innovation in the Government should be carefully selected, as they are key in terms of motivating and inspiring civil servants to become part of novelties within the system.

Key takeaways as of now, that are serving as reflections for the program implementers, are:

1) It is crucial to provide clear and continuous instructions for participation to civil servants;

2) Involve the senior management level early in the process as a measure to support teams in the early application process;

3) Continuously promote the work and the achievement of the individuals and the teams in the program.

Anything Else?

The impact of the program/innovation will compress years’ worth of learning into a few months through user-centered research, early-stage testing and agile development supported by internal and external mentors; Civil servants will use more relevant metrics to enhance performance and productivity.

Through transparent and strategic communication about the teams and their learning journeys, colleagues in public administration will become interested in the methodology and approaches used during the program. The program is promoting a culture of entrepreneurship and ownership in government, to encourage public servants to experiment.

Supporting Videos

Year: 2021
Level of Government: National/Federal government


  • Developing Proposals - turning ideas into business cases that can be assessed and acted on

Innovation provided by:

Date Published:

24 November 2023

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