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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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With a view to achieving the vision for a paperless environment, the MoKloud platform provides storage space for every citizen for the safekeeping of personal official documents in a digitally secured format bearing a QR code and digital signature, as may be required. Currently, MoKloud hosts birth and marriage certificate extracts, digital vaccination passes, certificates of electricity supply and e-payslips. MoKloud documents are shared by an API or scanned for verification.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

With a view to promoting the idea of paperless governance, MoKloud has been implemented to offer a secure, flexible and easy-to-use platform for issuance, sharing and verification of documents and certificates in digital mode - thereby eliminating the use of physical documents.

MoKloud may be shared in real-time with public authorities, businesses and citizens.

The innovative nature in the usage of the MoKloud platform carries the following features:

  1. Digitally empowering citizens by providing them with a storage space on the cloud to enable them to sign, access and share their official documents online;
  2. Eliminating the need for citizens to maintain physical government issued documents;
  3. Ensuring authenticity of the documents and thereby eliminating usage of fake documents/certificates;
  4. Reducing administrative overhead of government agencies, service delivery time and costs by enabling paperless transactions;
  5. Ensuring anytime, anywhere access to the documents by the citizens; and
  6. Providing secure and consented access of government issued documents to user agencies.

Today, birth and marriage certificate extracts, digital vaccination passes, certificates of electricity supply and e-payslips of government officials have been made available on MoKloud. In the near future, digital driving licences, certificates of character, insurance statements of benefits, and others will also be ported on the platform.

The MoKloud platform will completely revolutionize the digital ecosystem by making all citizens' official documents as well as businesses’ statutory documents available in electronic format and in real-time.

MoKloud leverages on the following three infrastructures of the Ministry of Information Technology, Communication and Innovation (MITCI) for an efficient service delivery:

  1. InfoHighway platform data sharing and interoperability.
  2. MauPass authentication platform for authentication services.
  3. MauSign Certification Authority for Digital Signature services.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

To obtain a birth certificate extract, a citizen must apply in person at the Civil Status Division. After a week, the citizen will collect his birth certificate extract against payment of a Rs 25 stamp. With MoKloud, the citizen authenticates via his MauPass account to avoid impersonation. On MoKloud, the citizen is able to download the digital version of their birth certificate extract instantly. Moreover, the birth certificate extract carries a QR code and is digitally signed by the Civil Status Division confirming the veracity of the document. The citizen does not have to purchase a stamp. The extract may be presented to the relevant authority or institution for verification via scanning of the QR code. We can imagine the amount of paper usage and manual processing time that can be avoided or largely minimised by leveraging the MoKloud service, taking into account all the official and statutory documents that can be issued through this platform, which is in line with Green ICT practices.

What is the current status of your innovation?

The Public Service Commission allows online application for a job post. However an applicant has to have their documents physically verified at the time of interview thus defeating the purpose of the online system. MoKloud supports sharing of official documents in a digitally secure way prior to verification by the Public Service Commission, hence allowing for a faster processing of applications and recruitment.

Another example is the proposed digital driving licence which planned to be ported on MoKloud in December 2022. Currently, the paper-based licence is prone to forgery and a fake licence may go through unnoticed. With the digital driving licence, verification may be conducted in real-time and any tampering may be identified instantly. As the MoKloud service gains traction, business opportunities will surely come up as spin-offs. Private or parastatal businesses may be charged a fee to cover operational costs as well as generate revenue.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

  • MoKloud has been developed by the Central Information Systems Division.
  • MoKloud platform was inspired from the DigiLocker of India.
  • The MoKloud developers produced a document designing module supported by a QR code generator (which is also digitally signed) and the digital signature applicator.
  • Major stakeholders are government and parastatal agencies issuing official documents to citizens.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

  • Major stakeholders are government and parastatal agencies. With amendments to regulations, MoKloud will be extended to private institutions like insurance companies and academia.
  • Serving agencies are showing greater interest in using MoKloud to issue documents in digital format to their customers as this facility relieves their staff of the tasks of attending to requests at counters. With MoKloud, requests are processed much faster resulting in a net gain in service delivery efficiency.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

More and more agencies are keen to port official documents of citizens on MoKloud. Given this interest, applications from agencies to join the MoKloud platform are now being handled at the level of the High Level Management Committee. To date, 5 types of documents have been ported on MoKloud, namely, birth and marriage certificate extracts, digital vaccination passes, certificates of electricity supply and e-payslips. This figure is expected to grow considerably as more agencies become aware of the potential of the MoKloud platform.

The statistical figures for the download of the above documents as at the end of September 2022 are:

  • Birth Certificates: 5393
  • Marriage Certificates: 3444
  • E-payslips: 991
  • Covid Vaccination Passes: 507421
  • Central Electricity Board Proofs of Address: 721

The redesign of the architecture of MoKloud is currently under consideration for the faster deployment of digital documents to cater for the expected increase in the number of requests from agencies.

As of now, in certain agencies citizens are required to queue up for about 15 minutes to make their requests and to come back and queue up again for collecting their documents, notwithstanding the amount of time or days required for the processing of their requests. With MoKloud, the requests are processed instantly.

Challenges and Failures

Initially the Ministry of Information Technology, Communication and Innovation (MITCI) experienced difficulties in identifying an experienced software developer from the CISD. Subsequently, the MoKloud team was constituted. Given the current load of work on the staff, it is now envisaged to hire a managed service for the operationalization of the MoKloud platform.

Conditions for Success

Every successful system is built on a functional and resilient communication infrastructure. A digital identity system is desirable to ensure no impersonation is involved in government transactions. Documents that are digitally signed warrants that they are issued from a genuine source and have not been tampered with. The necessary regulatory framework has to be put in place to enforce the operationalization and acceptability of documents in digital format. Adequate expert resources have to be catered to ensure support and sustainability of services.


Today MoKloud offers free online birth and marriage certificates that can be accessed at any time and from any location. The information provided by citizens is electronically shared with the appropriate authorities or institutions. It saves time and money for Ministries and Departments by eliminating administrative costs through paperless transactions. This innovative approach will pave the way for the future storage of many government documents such as Vehicle Registration Cards, Certificates of Incorporation, Business Registration Cards, academic certificates and many more that can be used by ministries, organizations, and agencies of all sizes. The MoKloud platform may be replicated in the region with a view to extending the benefits derived from it to countries in the region.

Lessons Learned

It is necessary to have proper governance, like the one that exists in the High Level Management Team, for the operationalisation of MoKloud to examine requests to port documents on MoKloud.

Project Pitch

Year: 2021
Level of Government: National/Federal government


  • Implementation - making the innovation happen
  • Evaluation - understanding whether the innovative initiative has delivered what was needed
  • Diffusing Lessons - using what was learnt to inform other projects and understanding how the innovation can be applied in other ways

Innovation provided by:


Date Published:

10 July 2023

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