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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Govtech – Innovative Social Welfare Programme with New Zealand and the Philippines

The Valenzuela City Social Welfare and Development Office (CSWDO) participated in the 13-week accelerator programme. The The accelerator is a 13-week innovation programme. The programme took the staff from CSWDO who needed to support individuals in crisis situations. They addressed the problems and applied innovation methodologies to create solutions that work. The programme targeted root-cause problems, facilitated collaboration, and upskilled participants – driving better outcomes.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

In 2022, with the support of the New Zealand Embassy and the City of Valenzuela, a project team from the Valenzuela City Social Welfare and Development Office (CSWDO) participated in the 13 week accelerator programme run by Creative HQ, Wellington New Zealand. The programme was designed to support capacity building of government employees, empowering them to create “citizen-centered” solutions.

Every year, approximately 30,000 clients go to the main office and 5 satellite offices of the Valenzuela CSWDO seeking social service assistance. Many clients would wait for a long time to be seen by staff at the CSWDO, only to be turned away as they did not bring all the required documents with them.

During the accelerator programme, the CSWDO project team discovered that almost 42% of the clients who went into the CSWDO seeking AICS financial assistance were turned away because they did not bring the information or documents to meet the requirements. This caused upset and frustration for the clients as this also meant additional expenses for their transportation and sacrificing their day at work.

From the CSWDO staff perspective, the project team found that while social workers were passionate about serving their citizens, they did not have much time to do formal learning about changes to policies or guidelines. This sometimes led to inconsistencies in advice and services.

Through research, stakeholder engagement, process mapping and ideation, the Valenzuela CSWDO project team developed several prototypes for potential solutions. To help clients better prepare for the AICS application process, the team developed an information chatbot that provided information on the requirements. Feedback during the prototype testing phase showed that clients found the chatbot to be very helpful, accessible, time-saving, and informative for both the new and old clients. As a result, the CSWDO is planning to integrate and launch the chatbot with the Valenzuela City website.

In terms of the challenge of helping staff keep up to date with new policies and guidelines, studies show that small, frequent chunks of learning are more memorable than reading a whole book or policy document. As a result, the project team developed a prototype e-learning module for CSWDO staff. The e-learning modules provided the information in short, fun and digestible formats. Feedback from fellow social workers in the department showed that the e-learning modules made a positive difference: “what you are doing is working, we have less staff asking questions about AICS because now they know”.

The Valenzuela CSWD team gave a presentation on their journey through the 13-week accelerator programme at the Philippines-New Zealand Government Innovation Exchange Showcase event on 13 September 2022 at the ALERT Center Multipurpose Center, Valenzuela City. Attendees of the showcase event included representatives from the Valenzuela City and barangays, the Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA)and the New Zealand G2G and Creative HQ.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

Since 2018, Creative HQ has run a globally unique programme: the GovTech Accelerator ( Running annually, across 13 weeks, the programme works with public servants to demonstrate how innovation at the policy level can enable systemic change and improve outcomes for citizens.

The programme focuses on developing capability within government agencies and provides a space for learning both innovation methodologies and the value of cross-agency collaboration. The GovTech Accelerator works to de-risk the public sector projects which have real-world potential to affect lives.

What is the current status of your innovation?

We have been delivering the GovTech Accelerator programme since 2018. Since that time, we have worked with 31 government organisations and 29 NGOs or start-ups on 52 projects, all working on delivering better social or environmental outcomes.

The programme is delivered over 13+ weeks and designed to take existing projects through an innovation process, equipping participants with the tools of innovation and surrounding them with expert help. We create an environment where they can tackle complex and important projects. We often welcome teams from outside New Zealand into the programme, including the project in this submission from the Phillippines.

At the same time as achieving outcomes for citizens, the programme also develops the skills of the public sector participants, including:

  • Confidence and resilience
  • Leadership
  • Customer/citizen focus

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

This programme was a cross-border collaboration that involved the New Zealand Embassy, the City of Valenzuela, a project team from the Valenzuela City Social Welfare and Development Office (CSWDO) and Creative HQ from New Zealand.

“Innovation has an important role in how nations navigate challenges and prepare for the future... I am pleased to see Valenzuela City and ARTA steer this course for the Philippines." (Peter Kell, New Zealand Ambassador Peter Kell, to the Philippines).

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

The core beneficiaries of this project are the citizens of Valenzuela City who are going through the application process seeking Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situations (AICS). To help clients better prepare for the AICS application process, the team developed an information chatbot that provided information on the requirements
Additionally, the team developed a training programme for all the social workers from Valenzuela City to better understand their clients and available assistance

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

Through research, stakeholder engagement, process mapping and ideation, the Valenzuela CSWDO project team developed several prototypes for potential solutions.

To help clients better prepare for the AICS application process, the team developed an information chatbot that provided information on the requirements. Feedback during the prototype testing phase showed that clients found the chatbot to be very helpful, accessible, time-saving, and informative for both the new and old clients. As a result, the CSWDO is planning to integrate and launch the chatbot with the Valenzuela City website.

“I am proud to see Valenzuela City embracing human-centered innovation as we progress our goals on behalf of all our citizens. With this programme, we hope to eliminate whatever perception they have that availing our services is taxing and difficult.” (Mayor Wes Gatchalian, Mayor of Valenzuela City, Philippines)

Challenges and Failures

In terms of the challenge of helping staff keep up to date with new policies and guidelines, studies show that small, frequent chunks of learning are more memorable than reading a whole book or policy document. As a result, the project team developed a prototype e-learning module for CSWDO staff. The e-learning modules provided the information in short, fun and digestible formats. Feedback from fellow social workers in the department showed that the e-learning modules made a positive difference: “what you are doing is working, we have less staff asking questions about AICS because now they know”.

Conditions for Success

  • Pick a project and get a team together: Pick an issue that is a high priority. Its vital to get the right team composition and source external team members to fill skills gaps.
  • Put an advisory board together: The most successful teams have a strong buy-in and an advisory board ready to support them throughout their journey.
  • Innovation by method: A time-boxed process to guide the team through to get the project to where it needs to be. It starts with an in-depth problem-discovery phase to get to the core of the problem. We then move on to co-designing with the communities.
  • See the results: Need to create evidence and validation (or invalidation) for the solution concept - such as a viable business case and/or a validated prototype. Being able to share the results to an audience is also helpful.


This programme is desinged to be a repeatable process for delivery innovative outcomes in a public sector setting.

Lots of “innovation” is happening across government, but often in an ad hoc fashion, such as piloting concepts that have not been validated by end-customers. While ad hoc innovation can deliver value, it isn’t replicable, and risks common mistakes being repeated.

This programme leverages the opportunity to create public value when methods, starting with problem discovery, are followed through to implementation. The result? Innovation which is replicable and measurable. We call this sweet spot “Innovation by Method”. This is the model of the GovTech Accelerator

Lessons Learned

Here are five elements we have found to be vital for delivering innovation programmes in a public sector setting:

  • Solve the root-cause problems and build the right solution to meet citizens’ needs.
  • Work with experienced facilitators in an environment that fosters collaboration across agencies.
  • Build innovation capability in your government staff through immersive learning by doing.
  • Enable co-design and collaboration with citizens and the public and private sectors.
  • Rapidly test new solutions using a safe and user-centric process.

Project Pitch

Supporting Videos


  • Identifying or Discovering Problems or Opportunities - learning where and how an innovative response is needed
  • Generating Ideas or Designing Solutions - finding and filtering ideas to respond to the problem or opportunity
  • Developing Proposals - turning ideas into business cases that can be assessed and acted on

Innovation provided by:

Date Published:

26 January 2023

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