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Thematic Innovation Clinic to improve the quality and quantity of public service innovations

Klinik Inovasi Tematik Bersama - 7

Thematic Innovation Clinic was implemented to encourage and increase number and quality of innovations in Pontianak City. This program succeeded in increasing the number of innovations within the Pontianak City Government to 165 innovations in 2022, and to 196 innovations in 2023. With a design thinking approach, the innovation clinic increases the number of innovations, fosters the spirit and culture of innovation, and cross-party collaboration to deliver optimal public services to community.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

Thematic Innovation Clinic is presented to improve public services, the Regional Innovation Index and Regional Competitiveness Index of Pontianak City. The latter two are managed by the Research and Development Division of Bappeda Pontianak City. In 2021 and 2022, Pontianak City's Regional Innovation Index (IDD) is categorized as innovative, with 22 registered innovations (2021) and 25 innovations in 2022. The presence of these innovations is expected to make Pontianak a Highly Innovative City. Meanwhile, the Pontianak City Regional Competitiveness Index in 2021 is in the high category with a value of 3.149. The value increased to 3.37.

To improve the above, the Research and Development Division of the Pontianak City Regional Development Planning Agency (BAPPEDA) collaborated with the Institute for Research and Community Service of Tanjungpura University to present Joint Innovation Clinic. This innovation clinic will become an innovation partner for 4,466 ASNs within the Pontianak City Government. This joint platform is expected to increase the quantity and quality of innovations in Pontianak City.

This innovation growth, strengthening and mentoring clinic answers the absence of an ASN innovation competency development program, and limited access to work unit innovation networks. Previously, work units only received assistance when measuring the Regional Innovation Index. With the existence of Thematic Innovation Clinic, work units have space for discussion and friends to develop ideas into sustainable innovations.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

Thematic Innovation Clinic is a breakthrough in organizing innovation clinics in local governments because it collaborates with universities. Usually, local government innovation clinics only focus on reporting innovations to the central government, and only network with fellow regional apparatus. This innovation comes with a forum for competency development and innovation partners for employees. One of the novelties is to provide integrated training and assistance in encouraging the creation of innovations through the design thinking framework by collaborating with the Institute for Research and Community Service at Tanjungpura University Pontianak, and emphasizing innovation as a shared property or teamwork.

With the aim of improving the quality and widening the innovation network, this thematic innovation clinic is also a meeting place for work unit collaboration with startups and academics and various other stakeholders.

What is the current status of your innovation?

This innovation has been carried out since October 2022. various training and mentoring have been carried out involving more than 400 employees who are representatives of innovators from various regional apparatus. As a result of the two activities, 168 innovation ideas emerged which have been validated into 47 innovations that are ready to be implemented. The training and mentoring process is documented in a learning platform that can be accessed by all participants.

Activities take place throughout the year with assistance ahead of the IID measurement. In 2022, 25 innovations were registered for measurement of the Regional Innovation Index, and 27 in 2023. IID is a measurement component of IDSD. In addition, 3 regional innovations were selected as 99 national flagship public service innovations in 2023. The culture of innovation is also increasing, marked by the increasing number of innovations from year to year.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

This innovation involving various partners has been designated as one of the innovations of Pontianak City Government as stated in the Decree of the Mayor of Pontianak. In terms of managerial matters, Thins Innovation also partners with Tanjungpura University in preparing innovation blueprints, preparing experts, and appropriate methods every year through various integrated training and mentoring. This innovation also involves around 300 regional organisations and technical implementation units.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

Through this innovation, government officials get improved performance and productivity from their respective organizations or institutions. In addition, this innovation also bridges collaboration with various stakeholders outside the government such as academics, start-ups and others. While the community certainly benefits through public services that are of higher quality and provide convenience in meeting various needs and problems faced.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

This innovation has an impact on increasing the innovation capacity of more than 300 employees representing regional apparatus organizations and technical implementation units in the city of pontianak. This innovation has also succeeded in encouraging an increase in the number of innovations implemented each year and involving more parties, especially academics, start-ups, community communities in encouraging the improvement of public services as a whole. In the future, this innovation is expected to be able to encourage pontianak city to become a city with a very innovative title and increase community satisfaction with public services from various agencies.

Challenges and Failures

Some of the challenges faced when implementing this innovation are changing the mindset and increasing awareness in developing a culture of innovation, limited funds in its implementation, commitment from the leadership in supporting the implementation of innovation in a sustainable and growing manner. In its implementation, this innovation is able to improve the ability to innovate while changing the mindset towards innovation for the better. Another future challenge is to find strategies that can involve more partners in accelerating the birth of innovation and the quality of public services to the community through this innovation.

Conditions for Success

To encourage the success of this innovation, strong leadership is needed from the implementer of innovation and commitment from the mayor and all organizational leaders in pontianak city. in addition, policy and regulatory support will also make it easier to increase support in terms of infrastructure and services. Various kinds of appreciation are also needed in providing motivation and full support for all employees and organizations that are able to run a culture of innovation and improve the quality of innovation in the field of public services to the community.


This innovation is very likely to be adapted by other regions in Indonesia. There are at least three similarities between the problems faced by Pontianak City Government and other local governments in Indonesia. First, the lack of budget for ASN capacity building, especially in the field of innovation. Innovation is indeed required and becomes an output in Leadership Training and CPNS basic training, but the program can only be followed by ASN at certain times, not throughout the year. Second, the absence of a special institution that becomes an employee innovation partner by also opening up space for collaboration with various parties more broadly. Third, the common goal of innovating to provide public services to the community.

Lessons Learned

From the 15 months of innovation implementation that has been carried out, it can be concluded that increasing capacity and motivation as well as building a culture of innovation with a humanist and user-centric approach is one of the main factors in encouraging the birth of creative and innovative ideas in overcoming problems in governance and public services to the community. Appreciation and support given to outstanding innovators are also able to encourage the work environment as a whole to be more creative and innovative which in turn provides benefits and better services to the community.

Project Pitch

Supporting Videos

Year: 2022
Level of Government: Local government


  • Implementation - making the innovation happen
  • Evaluation - understanding whether the innovative initiative has delivered what was needed

Innovation provided by:


Date Published:

22 July 2024

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