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Unlocking Labour Markets: Removing Bureaucratic Barriers to Enhance Opportunities for the Young Workforce


In 2022, INDECOPI identified that 23 universities and 10 professional associations were imposing +700 bureaucratic barriers, affecting the employment insertion of +36 thousand new professionals.

Given this, the Voluntary Elimination of Bureaucratic Barriers Programme was implemented to open regulated professional services at the subnational level.

Based on behavioral tools, INDECOPI engaged with universities and professional associations to eliminate 786 bureaucratic barriers in 17 regions.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

Between 2018 and 2021, INDECOPI received 50 complaints about the imposition of unnecessary requirements and charges for obtaining academic degrees at a regional level.

Based on these complaints, 587 bureaucratic barriers in procedures to obtain academic degrees were identified in 16 universities and 10 professional associations. These obstacles result in professionals and future professionals not being able to obtain their degrees or enrolments on time, delaying their entry into the labour market.

Considering this, the Voluntary Elimination of Bureaucratic Barriers Programme sent a new document design that used behavioural tools to achieve the elimination of barriers in the shortest possible time. In this newly designed document, the officers were motivated to provide a better public service by simplifying the procedures related to obtaining degrees or enrolment in professional associations.

In this way, a structured plan was designed to make university and college officials understand that imposing bureaucratic barriers affects the opportunities for the young workforce to access labour markets. This plan consisted of calls and training to officials who were interested in participating in the programme.

This programme benefited more than 36 thousand students and professionals of the young workforce by simplifying the procedures of obtaining their academic degrees and enhancing their opportunities to access the labour market. Likewise, the programme improved the service provided by 17 universities and 10 professional associations in 17 regions of Peru.

This innovation envisions universities and professional associations without red tape. Therefore, we will see a young workforce with better opportunities and without barriers to entry the labour market.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

This innovation promotes the labour insertion of new professionals through collaboration with universities and professional associations to eliminate bureaucratic barriers in the process of obtaining academic degrees at the subnational level.

The programme stands out for using behavioural tools with a social and user-centered approach. Using a message of motivation to participate in a programme that will enable them to improve the opportunities of young professionals in their local region.

These tools were implemented in the documents used to communicate with the public entities. The newly designed document used concepts as social norms and included visual diagrams such as pictures, QR codes, and examples of recognition of civil servants that eliminated bureaucratic barriers before.

All of this was to motivate officials of the entities to reduce the red tape linked to the obtention of academic degrees or enrolment in professional associations.

What is the current status of your innovation?

To date, we are using what was learned to improve our collaborations with other types of public entities in order to eliminate bureaucratic barriers that may be affecting other crucial services for the economy of our country.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

The main collaborators of the project:
- Civil servants, in charge of managing it removing illegal bureaucratic barriers that generated administrative cost overruns.
- Innovation Team for the Elimination of Bureaucratic Barriers, in charge of the design of the document and monitoring tools such as dashboards.
- Research Team, in charge of the implementation of the Voluntary Elimination of Bureaucratic Barriers Programme.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

The main beneficiaries of the project were:
- University students who wish to obtain their degrees at a lower cost, in less time, and without any of the requirements that have been identified as bureaucratic barriers.
- Professionals who wish to enroll in professional associations at a lower cost, in less time, and without any of the requirements that have been identified as bureaucratic barriers.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

According to the results, during 2022 and 2023, 786 bureaucratic barriers were eliminated in 23 universities and 10 professional associations. This had an impact on 17 of the 24 regions of Peru.

Likewise, the elimination of these bureaucratic barriers saved an approximate cost of more than 800 thousand USD for future students and professionals of the young workforce. Since these costs were eliminated by reducing the red tape, this overrun is no longer a barrier to access the labour market in Peru.

Challenges and Failures

This project faced the following challenges:
- Problem of communication with universities and professional associations. The official directly involved in the removal of bureaucratic barriers was contacted to receive the modified document and to coordinate.
- Lack of knowledge about the Bureacratic Barries Elimination System. Personalized training and virtual video conferences were held for officials to provide information.
- Monitoring the impact in the labour market after the elimination of the bureaucratic barriers. This challenge was addressed by collecting data of the universities.

Conditions for Success

Among the main conditions for the success of the project are:
- Policy and rules: The Law on the Prevention and Elimination of Bureaucratic Barriers establishes the basis for encouraging the elimination of bureaucratic barriers through recognition incentives for entities and officials that promote the voluntary elimination of bureaucratic barriers.
- Leadership and guidance: Our staff has a strong "innovative spirit" for the design of new tools that aim to remove barriers in less time and with greater efficiency.
- Personal values and motivation: Our staff is committed to public service, which is essential to ensure that officials understand why they should be removed and why they should not repeat this behaviour.


This project is replicable because it has used cost-effective tools that can apply to any other supervision and/or oversight activity. The experience has also been documented to ensure replicability for other areas of INDECOPI and other public entities around the world.

Internally, meetings were held to disseminate the results of the intervention and to identify new problems that could be solved with behavioural tools.

Lessons Learned

The main lessons learned were:
- The importance of training of officials from universities and professional associations to understand the Bureaucratic Barriers Elimination System and the benefits of reducing the red tape.
- Use of behavioural tools as a cost-effective solution. After identifying that the cause of the problem could be solved by behavioral insights, we improved the documents used to communicate with entities. By doing this, we engage with universities and professional associations to eliminate barriers to access the labour market.

Anything Else?

This program won the Competition Advocacy Contest 2023, organized by the World Bank and the International Network Competition, in the category of: "Reinforcing market institutions to deliver better market outcomes". This contest aimed to highlight the key role competition agencies play in promoting competition by showcasing their advocacy success stories.

Supporting Videos

Year: 2022
Level of Government: National/Federal government


  • Diffusing Lessons - using what was learnt to inform other projects and understanding how the innovation can be applied in other ways

Innovation provided by:


Date Published:

22 July 2024

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